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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties cited above have been locked in protracted proceedings pertaining to the case in which the Respondent was dismissed by the Appellant following his conviction on a criminal charge wherein he was sentenced to an effective period of imprisonment of eighteen months. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which declared the dismissal of respondent unfair and set it aside whilst ordering reinstatement or alternatively damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The four respondents are former employees of the appellant company. Each one of them was dismissed. Upon reference of the matter to arbitration, the Learned Arbitrator found that they had been unfairly dismissed and ordered their respective reinstatements with alternative orders for payment of quantified amounts of damages. Aggrieved by the arbitrator’s decision the appellant appealed to this Court on the following grounds with respect to each of the respondents. More

The twenty three Respondents were employed by the Appellant in different capacities. In 2002 the respondents were dismissed from employment by the Appellant. There are no documents filed of record showing what the charges were but they were subsequently relieved of their duties. Respondents immediately filed a complaint against Queen Elizabeth School for an unfair labour practice with a labour officer. The matter was subsequently referred for arbitration. As indicated the record of the Arbitration process was not filed of record. The Arbitrator noted that Queen Elizabeth School had raised a defence that it was not the Respondent’s employer but... More

On 24 April 2013 I dismissed Applicants’ application. Applicants requests reasons for such dismissal. These are they; Applicants made an application to this court in terms of section 89(2) (b),(c) (d) of the Labour Act as read with Rule 14(1) (b) this court’s rules. Applicants alleged that a Labour Officer failed for some reason to issue a Certificate of No Settlement, in relation to the dispute in terms of Section 93(3) of the Act after the expiry of 30 days. The initial day of conciliation was 21 November 2012. 30 days there from was 9 January 2013. On 14 December... More