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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant applied to this Court for the review of the determination by Respondent’s appeals committee which dismissed his appeal against the decision of the disciplinary committee. The application was made in terms of Section 92EE of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 as read with Rule 20 of the Labour Court Rules S.I. 150/17. More

The appellants worked for the respondent in Harare on fixed term contracts. The 1st appellant’s contract terminated presumably by effluxion of time. The 2nd appellant was terminated on grounds of misconduct. Both appellants then claimed they are entitled to cash in lieu of leave days not taken. The matter went for conciliation. The parties failed to settle whereupon the matter was referred to arbitration. On 25 August 2014 Arbitrator R E Nhiwatiwa issued an arbitration award. He dismissed the appellants’ claims “for lack of merit.” Thereafter the appellants appealed to this Court against the award. The respondent opposed the appeal. More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of an appeal. The application is almost three years out of time. A reading of the papers filed for the application would lead one to think that infact it is an application for review if one does not read the notice. The papers do not deal with the main issues that such an application must address. Only the reason for delay is addressed. Nevertheless the court was generous enough not to dismiss the application out of hand but pointed to the applicant the issues that needed to be addressed. The application... More

This is an application for review. The applicants were employees of the respondent. They were charged under section 4(b) of the Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 [SI 15 of 2006] (the national code). They sought to be represented by an official from Zimbabwe Educational Scientific Social Cultural Workers Union (ZESSCWU). The Chairperson of the disciplinary committee ruled that ZESSCWU was not a registered trade union and the official could not represent the applicants. The applicants were grieved by this decision and upon advise from their would be representative, they abandoned the proceedings. The hearing proceeded in their absence and they... More

The appeal was noted as against the decision of the Acting Secretary for Education, Sport, Art and Culture delivered on the 4th of January, 2012. More