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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the conclusion of the oral submissions the Court dismissed the appeal stating that the reasons would follow. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling by a Labour officer, the applicant. The 2nd respondent, hereinafter referred to as the employee was employed by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, the 1st respondent (ZIMRA). The background facts These are common cause. I will just include them here for completeness. More

CORRIGENDUM After the release of the order in this case Order No LC/H/ORD/376/19 it has been noted that paragraph 3 of that order erroneously refers to $12904 instead of $1204. The order is accordingly corrected to read $1204 in paragraph 3 instead of $12904. More

After the release of the order in this case Order No LC/H/ORD/376/19 it has been noted that paragraph 3 of that order erroneously refers to $12904 instead of $1204. The order is accordingly corrected to read $1204 in paragraph 3 instead of $12904. More

At the hearing of this matter I dismissed the application with costs and indicated that reasons would follow. More