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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant worked for Respondent at Beitbridge Border Post. On 12th August 2005 she was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held on 22nd August 2005. She was found guilty and punished by dismissal. She appealed. On 31st August 2005 Respondent’s Appeals Committee heard the matter and dismissed the appeal. Appellant then appealed to this Court. More

The respondent raised a point in limine that the grounds of appeal do not raise questions of law as envisaged by section 98 (10) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. Section 98 (10) provides “An appeal on a question of law shall lie to the Labour Court from any decision of an arbitrator appointed in terms of this section.” What constitutes a question of law has been authoritatively answered in numerous cases including Sable Chemical Industries (Pvt) Ltd V Easterbrook 2010 (1) ZLR 342 and Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe v Corrine Granger & Another 2001 ZLR (10 sc. In those... More

This is an appeal by the Appellant Company against the decision of the General Engineering Committee (G.E.C) which had set aside the Respondent’s (“the employee’s”) dismissal on charges of stealing paint from his workplace. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The respondent was employed by the appellant as a contract manager at Unki Mine a subsidiary company of the appellant. The respondent was entitled to various allowances including housing, education assistance and annual bonus. Before the country migrated to the multi-currency system in 2009 the respondent received his housing allowance on a monthly basis. From January 2009 the appellant paid its employees in United States dollars and the respondent’s housing allowance was not paid from that time. More

Respondent was employed by the appellant as an office orderly/clerk when he was charged of contravening schedule 4 of the National Employment Council Welfare and Educational Institutions Code of Conduct (the Code), in particular section 4.23 for having committed sexual harassment. The facts giving rise to the charges were that he was alleged to have sexually harassed some female students by being sexually abusive and improperly associating with them. More