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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for review by the applicant. The basis for the application is that the respondent company hastily concluded negotiations pertaining to his exit from his job to the extent that he felt that he was coerced into accepting the final settlement which saw him exiting the respondent company .It is therefore his prayer that this court directs the respondent company to renegotiate his exit package. More

This is an application for reinstatement of an application for quantification of damages. Preliminary issues were raised on behalf of the respondent before the main application could be argued. More

This judgment is in respect of an application for review (LC/H/REV/75/19 and an appeal (LC/H/170/19) filed by the applicant/appellant on the 7th August, 2019. Respondents raised preliminary issues in respect of both and it is these, that this judgment addresses. Applicant was employed as headmaster under the 2nd respondent and was based at Chibara Primary School. More

This is an application for condonation to enable the applicant to file its appeal against the decision of the labour officer out of time. The respondent raised a preliminary point and argued that the new Amendment Act No. 5/2015 does not allow for the procedure adopted by the applicant. The new provisions do not provide for an appeal against the decision of a labour officer nor for an application to the Labour Court. It was argued that the Labour Court is a creature of statute and cannot do anything outside the four corners of the parent Act. The Labour Act... More

This is an appeal against the decision of National Employment Council Appeals Committee that was issued on the 20 February 2014. The National Employment Committee ruled in the respondent’s favour and ordered as follows; “1. That the charge of Part C (23) is hereby set aside and substituted with Part A (4) which is for “Negligent performance of duties with minor consequences” and which warrants a verbal warning on first breach 2. Reinstatement is to be effected from the date of the National Employment Council’s determination and it is without back pay. 3. Alternatively, the employer can pay damages in... More