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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal from Honourable Manase’s decision. The facts show that the respondents were employed by the appellant. Respondents were offered employment which was conditional on their completing their respective probationary periods. After the probationary periods had expired it is alleged that appellant wrote to the respondents informing them that due to unsatisfactory performance during the probation period the appellant was renewing the probation period. The matter was referred to conciliation and finally to arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of the respondents. Appellant has therefore appealed to this Court. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award ordering Appellant to pay bush allowance to the Respondents’ for the period April 2009 to April 2010. The brief facts are that the Respondents were employed by the Appellant on a 2 year fixed contract. The Appellant did not renew the contracts after the expiration of the two years. Aggrieved by such non-renewal of the contracts, the Respondents’ filed a complaint that their fixed contracts were unlawfully terminated and that they were not paid their full salaries during their employment period. The matter was subsequently referred for arbitration. More

Two preliminary issues were raised on behalf of the respondent. These are: (i) that there is no cause of action. (ii) estoppel – that the applicant waived his rights when he received a package from the employer following retrenchment and as such he is estopped from challenging the retrenchment process. More

The first and second respondent were employed by the appellant on contracts without limit of time as cashiers stationed in Bulawayo from 26 March 2006 and 7 July 2008, respectively. They operated from GV-L Service Station. Sometime in July 2015, the appellant decided to pull out of GVL Service Station and entered into discussions with Zuva Petroleum. It was then agreed that the appellant would move out of GVL Service Station on 30 September 2015 and that Zuva Petroleum would take over four forecourt cashiers. Following the agreement between the appellant and Zuva Petroleum, Zuva agreed to take on the... More

On 25 October 2012 Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited noted an appeal against an arbitral award by Honourable P Mutsinze in favour of Stanley Takaendesa. More