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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal from a decision of an arbitrator who dismissed appellant’s claim on the basis that it had prescribed. The background to this case is somewhat disputed. The appellant was employed by the respondent as a farm manager until the contract of employment was terminated by respondent in 2007. The appellant filed a complaint with the Ministry of Labour at Karoi for unfair labour practice. No certificate was issued since parties agreed to give the employment relationship another chance. According to appellant the employment relationship continued to be acrimonious and he sought to resuscitate the 2007 matter before... More

The matter was placed before me as appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 22nd of June, 2012. When the parties appeared before me on 27 March 2013 the parties agreed to postpone the mattersine die in order for Respondent to file Supplementary Heads of Argument based on the application by Appellant to amend her notice of appeal. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal is provided for in terms of section 92 D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. More

This is an appeal against the ruling by the Appeals Committee dismissing Appelklant from employment. The appeal was devoid of merit and I dismissed the Appeal on the day of hearing indicating reasons would follow. More

The applicant raises two grounds for review, that is that, firstly, the respondent’s Appeals Officer erred in upholding the decision by the Disciplinary Committee where the Disciplinary Committee had failed to address a preliminary point regarding its own jurisdiction to deal with the matter before considering the merits of the case before it; and secondly, that the decision of the Appeals Officer was grossly irregular in that it upheld the decision of the Disciplinary Committee where that Committee had failed to afford the applicant an opportunity to make an address in mitigation before a penalty was imposed. More