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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for condonation for late filing an application for review. It is opposed. The requirements to be considered and weighed one against the other in order for an application of this nature to succeed as held in Bessie Maheya v Independent Africa Church More

This is a judgment on a preliminary point raised on behalf of both respondents. The background of the matter is that the applicant was employed by an entity known as Medical Investments Limited as a Clerk. This was in terms of a Fixed Term Contract which was signed on 19 December 2007. He was charged with fraud. Following disciplinary proceedings he was dismissed from employment. His internal appeal was unsuccessful. He was aggrieved by that outcome. He has filed an application for review. It is against this application that a preliminary issue been raised. More

Appellant was in the employ of the respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, appellant was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. An appeal to the National Appeals Committee did not yield the desired results and the appellant has approached this court for relief. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in favour of Respondent. Appellant filed Heads of Argument out of time and Respondent made submissions on this point. Respondent further stated that Appellant was barred in terms of the Rules unless an application for upliftment of the bar was made and granted by the Court. Appellant applied for the upliftment of the bar which was not opposed by Respondent. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The brief facts of the matter are as follows. The Respondent was employed as a gate guard. He was dismissed from employment and approached the Labour Office. Through conciliation, respondent was reinstated to his position. On reinstatement, he was seconded to perform duties for appellant. Appellant subsequently terminated respondent’s employment contract. The respondent approached the NEC for the Engineering and Iron and Steel Industry for relief. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of the respondent. Appellant is dissatisfied with that decision and has approached... More