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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator where he confirmed the appellant’s dismissal from work following allegations of engaging in conduct inconsistent with his work in contravention of Section (4) SI 15/06 More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award dismissing appellant’s claim. Appellant was employed by the respondent as a quantity surveyor on fixed term contracts that were continuously renewed from 1 May 2009 to 30 June 2011. The respondent advertised the post for a permanent position. Appellant applied. Interviews were held and appellant was not successful. One Charles Karichi was engaged on a permanent basis to the position appellant used to occupy. Appellant’s contract that was due to expire on 30 June 2011 was terminated on 1 June 2011 but respondent paid the full pay and benefits up to the... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Negotiating Committee that was handed down on 8 December 2014. The Negotiation Committee upheld the decision of the employer to dismiss the appellant from employment. More

The parties are agreed in these proceedings that only four applicants remain in this matter and these are Silver Anne Mungofa, Eileen Mazombwe, FeresiaMandizvidza and Davison Chigudugudze More

The matter comes before this Court for quantification of damages in pursuit of this Court’s order. The Applicant’s claim is for payment of an equivalent of seventy months’ salary totalling USD36 470.00. This amount is broken down as follows:- 1. Premature termination (36 months x $521.00) $18 756.00 2. Punitive damages (12 months x $521.00) 6 252.00 3. Gratuity (22 months x $521.00) 11 462.00 More