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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant was employed by the Respondent as a driver. He is alleged to have driven his truck without an escort contrary to standing instructions. It was stated that copper consignments were to be escorted up to Chirundu Border Post from Zambia. Applicant was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which was deadlocked on the matter and the matter was referred to the Managing Director in terms of the Code. The Managing Director issued a Final Written Warning as the penalty on the Applicant. Applicant alleges that this was incompetent and has approached this Court. More

This is an application for review. The applicant is employed by the respondent as an administration officer. He was charged with misconduct in terms of section 44 [2][a] of the Public Service Regulations 2000 as amended, following an investigation into the missing sanitary wares for Donax Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd at Harare Metropolitan Province. He was alleged to have violated paragraphs 2, 3 and 24 of the First Schedule (section 2) of the abovementioned regulations. More

On the hearing day of this appeal the respondent raised a preliminary point that the second and fourth grounds of appeal donot raise questions of Law. They therefore should be struck off. I dismissed the preliminary point and indicated that the reasons will follow. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the appeals officer dated 6 November 2023 wherein the appellant was found guilty and dismissed from employment. Appellant was employed as an Engineering Stores Clerk by the respondent and was responsible for sourcing materials required by the employer from suppliers. He was essentially the go between the respondent and the suppliers. The appellant through his position could source quotations from different suppliers and choose the most convenient. More

The background facts are that the applicant was employed by the respondent for 40 years. At the time when he was charged with the act of misconduct, he was employed as a store man. He was tasked with a duty to source various building materials. He proceeded to get three quotations and submitted them to his supervisor. One of the quotations was approved and the applicant’s supervisor signed a requisition for the supply of the required materials from the approved supplier. This was in September of 2022. More