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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the review of the Designated Agent’s decision which resulted in him awarding members of the Zimbabwe Rural District workers Union an increment in housing and transport allowance which Bindura Rural District Council was obliged to pay as per the Designated Agent’s determination More

This is an appeal . The appeal matter was deemed abandoned by the Registrar. However, the matter was still set down for a hearing before the parties had dealt with the abandonment. The question of the abandonment was brought to my attention by the parties. More

On 24 March this Court gave an order for the consolidation of two matters “to be heard as one matter.” The two matters are under references LC/H/387/12 and LC/H/351/13. This judgment is on three points in limine raised at the hearing of these matters. Respondent was employed by applicant as a bursar on a five year fixed term contract. The contract expired on 30 November 2008. Respondent was offered further fixed term contracts of three months until 30 November 2008. On 30 November 2009 interviews or the bursar’s post were held. Respondent attended but was not successful. He thereafter made... More

At the hearing of this matter I upheld the point in limine, dismissed the application and indicated that reasons would follow. More

This appeal was set down in terms of Rule 19 (3)(a) of the Labour Court Rules, 2006. The appellant, being represented by a legal practitioner had not filed its heads of argument in terms of Rule 19 (1)(a) of the Rules. More