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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee upheld the Disciplinary Committee’s decision to dismiss the appellant from employment after it found him guilty of misconduct. More

This is an appeal against the determination by the Negotiating Committee finding the Appellant guilty of ‘Sabotage’ in terms of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sector Code of Conduct (hereafter referred to as “the Code”). More

On 8 July 2016 this Court through an ex tempore judgment filed of recordgranted the ruling and order made by the applicant in a case pitting Joseph Chatara and King Fisher Auto Motors t/a Grand Auto Body Shop. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for quantification of damages for constructive dismissal and payment of gratuity. The application was filed pursuant to an order issued by this court under reference LC/H/984/16. Through that judgment my colleague, Honourable Justice L.M. Murasi granted an application brought by the current applicant for the court to allow the appeal filed under LC/H/434/16 on the basis of respondent failure to file Heads of Argument. It is important to note that in the appeal under LC/H/434/16 was appealing against the arbitral award on the basis of the finding by Arbitrator that he... More

On the set down of this application for confirmation of a ruling in the matter between ItaiNyanhongo and Telone the employer defaulted court despite service. The default notwithstanding the court invited the labour officer’s representative and the employee representative to address it on whether the matter was not in breach of Isoquant vs Darikwa N.O CCZ 6/20. On account of the fact that the labour officer commenced conciliation proceedings and issued a certificate of no settlement and presided over the samematter to conclude on submissions made before him the impression created was that he had faulted Isoquant (Supra). The labour... More