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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Respondent was employed by the appellant. He was nominated to go and attend a presentation or workshop. On his way to the workshop his motor vehicle broke down. He failed to communicate his predicament to his employers because he did not have a mobile cell phone. He was rescued at about 1800 hours. More

The appellant, in casu, appeals against the decision of the National hearing committee which found that the disciplinary proceedings against the respondent were irregular and therefore null and void. The facts of the matter are that the respondent was facing allegations of sexual harassment arising from unwelcome sexually determined behaviors that he had exhibited towards some female employees of the appellant. More

Appellant was employed as a Butchery Supervisor at Respondent’s Cameron Street branch in Harare. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued at Chinhoyi on 6 October 2014. The Learned Arbitrator ordered Temperly Farm to reinstate all the respondents with no loss of salary and benefits with an alternative order for the payment of damages should reinstatement be no longer possible. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a teacher at one of respondent’s school. He was dismissed on account of absenting himself from duty without authority. He then approached this court on appeal. Before the matter proceeded into the merits a point in limine was taken for the respondent. It was submitted that the appellant filed an application for review before the second respondent. No determination by the second respondent has been made. To that extent the appeal was improperly before the court. Further to that it was submitted that Section 51 of the Public Service Regulations “the Regulations”... More