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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant is appealing against the decision of the arbitrator who upheld his dismissal by the Respondent company which he used to work for. The fact of the case are that Appellant who was in the Respondent’s employ as a fleet manager was summarily dismissed by the Respondent for contravening the Transport Industry Code of conduct, it being alleged that he had committed acts of gross negligence contrary to expectation of his duties. More

The appellant was dismissed from the respondent’s employment following disciplinary proceedings for theft. This was a breach of paragraph 5.3.11 of the applicable Code. His internal appeals failed. Aggrieved by the dismissal, the appellant appeals to this Court on the following grounds: “1. The appellant was not given sufficient time to prepare for the hearing. She was served with the Notification to attend a Hearing on the 4th March 2011 (Friday) for Monday 7th March 2011 at 0900 hrs. Effectively, our client was given less than twenty four hours to prepare for the hearing as the notice was only served... More

On 29th August 2011 the Honourable C Kabasa made an arbitration award. In terms thereof, he dismissed Appellant’s claims and referred the matter to Respondent’s disciplinary committee for a hearing. Appellant was aggrieved by the award. He then appealed to this Court against the award. More

The parties have been in and out of the courts embroiled in ferocious battles over the ownership, possession and occupation of a certain piece of property commonly known as the Remainder of Subdivision C of Plot 6 of Lots 190, 191, 193, 194 and 195 of Highlands Estate of Welmoed also known as number 41 Ridgeway North, Highlands, Harare (the property). More

This is an application for rescission of judgment. More