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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision off the respondent employer’s disciplinary committee which found the appellant employeeguilty of conduct inconsistent with the conditions of her contract in contravention of section 4 (a) of the Model Code. Events leading to the appellant’s dismissal were that during a management and board meeting she shouted obscenities and banged the table thus putting the meeting into disrepute. More

On the 5th April, 2012 I issued a judgment in which Applicant was awarded back pay and benefits in Zimbabwe dollars (Z$15 220 000 and Z$578 492.00) which amount was to be converted into United States dollars (US$). On appeal to the Supreme Court, the award was set aside and the matter was remitted to me to consider: - Whether the amount in Zimbabwe dollars should be converted into foreign currency if so, the rate applicable taking into account the principles of equity enshrined in the Labour Act. Applicant is of the view that the amounts should be converted into... More

This is an appeal against the determination of the respondent’s appeals committee. More

On 25th January 2012, Applicant filed an application for review by this Court. Her founding affidavit, as amplied by her submissions show, the following facts: 1. She worked for Respondent as a Handling Supervisor based at Norton. 2. On 26TH January 2010 she was suspended without pay. 3. On 27th January 2010 she was charged with misconduct. 4. On 4th and 11th February 2010 a disciplinary hearing was held. 5. On 22nd February 2010 she was informed of the outcome of the hearing through a letter of dismissal. 6. On 1st March 2010 she appealed against her dismissal. More

The applicants appeared in this court praying that this court should grant the order in the Draft Order which states as follows: “It is ordered that (1) The respondent shall pay to the first, second, third and fourth applicants by way of salaries and benefits with effect from 9 April and 24 May 2012 respectively, broken down as follows: TendayiTamanikwa, the sum of US$77 504-93 Frank Tinarwo the sum of US$77 984-93 EmmersonPamire, the sum of US$76 344-93 TendaiMombeshora, the sum of US$69 223-04 (2) The respondent shall pay the costs of this application.” More