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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 24th July, 2024 the court handed down an order under reference LC/H/ORD/892/24 in the following terms; 1. The appeal be and is hereby struck off the roll with costs. 2. The reasons are to follow. The following constitutes the reasons for the order as granted. The matter was placed before the court as an appeal against a determination of the Respondent Appeal’s Committee which determination had been handed down on the 18th of January 2024.The appeal was not opposed. More

This is an application for the quantification of damages due to the applicant employee following the success of his review application in a labor dispute pitting him and the respondent employer. More

Appellants were employed by the respondent. Respondent informed the appellants that it intended to embark on a retrenchment exercise. Discussions were held between appellants and the respondent culminating in the matter being referred to the Ministry of Labour for the retrenchment “package” to be approved. Respondent received the deliberations of the Retrenchment Board but did not implement it. The respondent proceeded to terminate the appellants’ contracts of employment in terms of section 12 (4) of the Labour Act. Appellants were irked by this turn of events and the matter ended up in arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of the... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s Appeals Committee to dismiss the appellant’s appeal. Appellant was employed by respondent as a rail and road tanker loading operator. He was then charged of two counts of misconduct relating to incidents of the 9 January 2013 in terms of Zimbabwe Energy Industry Code of Conduct. More

This matter was referred to me for determination on the record as provided by the provisions of section (2)(a)(i) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. More