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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal from the decision of the Tobacco Industry NEC. The determination dated 18 March 2016 states as follows “The appeal succeeds. The appellants are to be reinstated for the unexpired period of the contracts without loss of pay and benefits or they are to be paid their salaries and benefits up to 30 April 2017.” The brief history of the matter is that the respondents were engaged on a two year contract by the appellant for the period running from 1 May 2011 to 30 April 2013. The respondents continued working until they were given other two... More

The respondents in this case were employer by the appellant on fixed term contracts. When the fixed term contracts expired, the respondents came back to work. The employer gave them forms to sign as it was the intention of both parties to continue with the arrangement between themselves though the employer indicated that the period of the fixed term contract would just be one month. More

This appeal was referred to me in terms of section 89 (2)(a) of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01). The brief facts show that the appellant was employed by the respondent as a teacher. At the termination of the employment contract, appellant made a claim for terminal benefits. Respondent was of the view that appellant was not entitled to the benefits he had claimed. The matter ended up in arbitration. The arbitrator made a ruling that appellant was entitled to receive an amount totalling US$5804-00. The appellant is dissatisfied with the decision and has appealed to this Court. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Authority dismissing appellant from employment. Appellant was employed as a Dip Attendant in the Department of Agritex of the Ministry of Agriculture. On 5 November 2014 misconduct charges were preferred against him. Following a disciplinary hearing he was found guilty and was dismissed from employment. More

On 23 August 2011 the appellant was injured whilst on duty when a furnace erupted. He suffered severe burns. The appellant sought to be compensated in terms of the contract between the parties which the appellant has submitted carried an added security of compensation for disability or death which was over and above the compensation offered by National Social Security Authority (NSSA). More