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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant was employed by the 2nd respondent as a membership secretary from 2004 until 2023. He was suspended with pay on allegations of misconduct. The allegations he faced were that: - I. Failed to maintain an up to date membership register for the period of 1st January 2022 to 23rd May 2023 II. A company styled Bonita Faith (Private) Ltd in which you confirmed to be a director appears in the Zimbabwe Building Contractors Association database with membership status category A. There is no record of the company having applied and approved for membership. This is a conflict of... More

The matter was placed before me as an appeal against a determination handed down by the National Employers Council for the Tobacco Industry – Grievance and Disciplinary Committee on the 24 April 2014 which determination set aside the penalty of dismissal and substituted that with a final written warning. The Appellant was further directed to reinstate the Respondent without loss of salary and benefits or in the alternative pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. The parties were directed to, in the event of the latter option, agree on the damages payable failing which they were to refer their matter back... More

This is an application for condonation of the late filing of an application for review. Applicant employed the respondents and terminated their contracts in terms of section 12 (4) of the Labour Act, (Chapter 28:01). Applicant subsequently applied to the NEC for exemption in terms of the Labour (Amendment) Act, No. 5 of 2015. It is alleged that the NEC was required to determine the application within 14 days. The NEC thereafter deliberated on the application after the requisite period of time. The NEC made the decision that the applicant was supposed to consult the respondents before applying for exemption.... More

Applicants applied to this Court for the review of their retrenchment from employment by respondents. The application was made in terms of Section 89(1) (d1) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. Respondents opposed the application. More

This is an application for stay of execution of the decision of the Honourable N K Mhimba that was handed down on 14 August 2013. More