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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant is appealing against the arbitral award of Honourable C Moyo that was handed down on the 6th July 2012. More

The respondent was charged with misconduct in terms of what is styled, in the Charge Sheet, as the Marathon Group of Companies Code of Conduct. He is alleged to have contravened section 12 thereof, receiving or attempting to receive a bribe. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which ordered that respondent be reinstated without loss of salary and benefits from the date of unlawful dismissal or that he be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The background to the matter is that the respondent employee filed his appeal with the Labour Court on 3 August 2015. The appeal was set down to be heard on 16 February 2016. Applicant employer defaulted on that day and the respondent employee applied that his appeal be allowed in the default of the employer. The default order was granted as prayed for. Irked by the default order the applicant applied to the Labour Court to have the default judgment set aside. It is the rescission application which is the subject of this judgment. More

On 21st December 2015 at Harare, Arbitrator T. Zimbudzana issued an arbitration award. He dismissed Appellant’s claim of unfair dismissal from employment by Respondent. He however awarded her claim for underpayments and terminal benefits. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More