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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On the 7th May 2024 at Harare Arbitrator FV Marovanyika issued an award. She upheld 1st respondent’s (employee) claim of constructive dismissal from employment by appellant (employer). The employer then appealed to this Court in terms; of Section 98 (10) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of heads of argument and upliftment of automatic bar operating against the applicants. The applicants aver that heads of argument were filed out of time in disregard of the rules because of an error on the part of their erstwhile legal practitioner. In the result they ask the court to condone their legal practitioner’s non-compliance and have the automatic bar uplifted and have the Heads of Argument considered as having been properly filed. There is no affidavit by the erstwhile legal practitioner explaining the non-compliance. More

This is an opposed appeal against the decision of the Works Council of the respondent. The facts of the case are that the applicant was employed by the respondent. On the night of the 23rd August 2018 he was driving the company’s vehicle. On a straight was no other vehicle, animal or thing that was on the road. It was a one man accident. No witnesses. More

On 11th January 2012 this Court made an order. In terms thereof, Respondent was ordered to reinstate Applicant’s employment. Alternatively Respondent was ordered to pay Applicant damages for loss of employment in a sum either agreed by the parties or assessed by this Court. On 9th February 2012 the parties drew up and signed an agreement. As a result of the agreement, Respondent paid Applicant an amount of US$998.74. More

The appellant in this case was employed by Braeside Spar as a counter hand. She was charged for lack of skill which she expressly held herself out to possess. The facts leading to this allegation against her were that, on 29 October 2012 the respondent failed to serve a client in a manner that was expected of her, leading to the client lodging complaints against her with management. More