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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Respondent raised a preliminary point at the hearing of this appeal, that the United Builders Merchants (UBM) has dirty hands as it failed to comply with the arbitral award issued against it. More

The brief facts of this matter are that an audit was conducted at the workplace. Some anomalies which touched on the applicant’s performance of duties were discovered by the auditors. An explanation was required in order to clarify what appeared to be anomalies. The applicant’s immediate superior asked the applicant to submit a report explaining the perceived anomalies. The applicant refused to write the report. She told her boss that she was going to consult her lawyer first. Her refusal to submit the report resulted in disciplinary proceedings for ‘wilful disobedience of a lawful order’ being conducted against her. She... More

The Respondents were employed by the University of Zimbabwe as full time lectures in the University’s Department of Rural and Urban Planning. They were employed in terms of the University of Zimbabwe Act and in terms of that Act,they were employed for a probationary period of three years after which they could be granted tenure that is if they metcertain outlined requirements. More

This is an appeal against adecision by an arbitrator.Before the merits of the appeal could be argued the respondent raised a point in limine. The respondent argued that the grounds before this Court raise factual issues as opposed to questions of law as provided for in the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] (The Act), Section 98(10) of the Act provides that; “An appeal on a question of law shall lie to the Labour Court from any decision of an arbitrator appointed in terms of this section.” More

This is an application for leave to appeal to Supreme Court. The appeal is against the court’s judgment that was handed down on the 14th of February 2014. The Applicant’s grounds of this application are that: (i) The court erred in ordering that Respondent be awarded damages in lieu of reinstatement in United States Dollars when he had suffered loss in the Zimbabwean Dollar currency. (ii) The court did not implement its findings to the effect that Respondent did not mitigate his loss by seeking alternative employment. (iii) The Applicant has good prospects of success on appeal. More