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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an Arbitral Award granted by Honourable T.S. Makamure on 26th September, 2013. In terms of the award, Appellant was ordered to pay Respondent an acting allowance for the period Respondent held the post of Acting Chief Technician. On the date of hearing, Respondent was in default despite having been duly served. The hearing proceeded on the merits in terms of Rule 30(a) of the Labour Court Rules, Statutory Instrument 59 of 2006. At the conclusion of the hearing, I allowed the appeal and indicated that my reasons will follow. These are they. The facts of... More

This is an appeal against the arbitral award by Hon H Nyamupachitu which was handed down on the 29th of October 2012. In this award the Appellant was ordered to pay a total sum of $120 451.46 within 14 days of signing the arbitral award. More

The applicant in this case has not been diligent in its prosecution of this matter. More

This is an appeal and cross appeal against the quantum of damages in lieu of reinstatement awarded to the Respondent (Jonathan) by the Arbitrator. The salient facts are as follows, Jonathan was employed by the Appellant (UDCORP) as a Manager in the Department of Development and Technical Services. He was charged and dismissed on charges of misconduct. He referred the matter to a Labour Officer for conciliation which failed. The matter was thereafter referred for compulsory arbitration. The Arbitrator made a finding that Jonathan had been unfairly dismissed More

The Appellant is appealing against the decision of Honourable Arbitrator R Matsikidze which was handed down on the 9 December 2009. More