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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the findings of the Appeals Committee which confirmed Appellant’s conviction and dismissal on the following charges; (1) willful and serious breach of established, documented and published company rules procedures and regulations and standing instructions including till procedures, safety rules security measures, customer care rules and motor vehicle policies amongst others; and (2) Gross incompetency or inefficiency in the performance of work. More

The applicants intend to appeal against an arbitral award, which award was issued on the 23rd September, 2013. This application for condonation was filed in this Court on the 2nd May, 2014. This is a delay of 7 months. More

This application for review was filed on 30 September 2013. The grounds for review are; 1. In hearing and determining the matter before her, the Honourable Arbitrator demonstrated that she was motivated by malice. 2. There was gross irregularity in the proceedings, more particularly in that the Arbitrator invoked the wrong Statutory Instrument. 3. There was violation of the rules of natural justice, more particularly the audi alteram parten. More

Panganai constructed a rabbit cage and placed it on a window. Appellant was opposed to this idea .On 7th November 2021 following the two men’s opposed views on the setting up of a rabbit cage an incident took place. Only the two men were present. After that incident Panganai made a report to the School Head, Mrs Chisipochinyi. His report as related to Mrs Chisipochinyi is as follows. On 7th November 2021 Panganai called Mrs Chisipochinyi and told her that Bvudzijena had struck him on the head and neck using an iron bar. Mrs Chisipochinyi in turn advised Panganai to... More

Applicant is employed by as a clerk at Dzivaresekwa 5 Primary School. He was charged with misconduct after it was alleged that he had been involved in what was termed ‘unbecoming and indecorous behaviour’ at the school. He was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty. More