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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal at the appellant employer’s instance against an arbitration order which ruled that it was supposed to refund the respondent employee $12 000 deducted by ZIMRA from his package. The background to the matter is that the respondent who was in the appellant’s employment signed an employment contract which provided that the appellant would pay on his behalf all tax obligations incurred by him. At termination of the employment the parties signed yet another agreement which spoke to the fact that the respondent would not be liable to pay tax under the Zimbabwean law. ZIMRA deducted income... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 17January 2011in which, after finding that the Appellant’s suspension was a nullity the Arbitrator directed that the Appellant be reinstated without loss of salary and benefits from the date of suspension i.e. 8th September 2010. More

Respondent was employed by the appellant. Sometime in November 2013 respondent got injured at work which necessitated that he receives medical attention. It is common cause that respondent was granted sick leave days by the appellant. It is the manner in which the appellant dealt with the sick leave days that has brought this matter to this court’s attention. Appellant proceeded to terminate respondent’s contract of employment in July 2014 which led respondent to refer the matter to the union. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of the respondent. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of this court that was handed down on 12 June 2015. This court dismissed the appeal against the arbitral award by Honourable N Mukwehwa that was handed down on 31 December 2012. More

This is an application for condonation for late filing of an application for review for review of a Labour officer’s draft ruling. The Labour officer’s draft is in terms of Section 93 (5a) (c) of the Labour Act, Chapter 28:01 (the Act) The second respondent raised a couple of points in limine to the application. The application was made before the Constitutional Court passed its decision in the case Isoquant Investiments (Pvt) Ltd t/Zimoco vs Memory Darikwa. CCZ 6/20. More