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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Authority dated 9 October 2015. Appellant was employed as a Deputy Head Master stationed at Bromely Primary School, Goromonzi District in Mashonaland East. He was charged of misconduct on 14 December 2014 in terms of Section 44 (2) of SI 1/2000. More

This is an Appeal against the decision of the NEC Appeals Board dated 4th October 2013. The Board in brief made the following decision; “Having said this, the NEC Chairman noted that though Respondent was wrong in giving short notice of eight (8) days for the Appellant to leave, there was no material prejudice that the Appellant had suffered and ultimately it was the bank’s prerogative to transfer employees -----. The decision is that the Appellant’s grievances is dismissed.” More

On 15th July 2014 Arbitrator P. Chinguruve made an arbitration award. He ordered Appellant to pay Respondent a total sum of US $4 050.00 in respect of outstanding wages and leave pay. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. The dispute relates to the periodbetween 1 March 2009 to October 2011. That is the period soon after the introduction of the multiple currencies regime by the Zimbabwean monetary authorities. Appellant admits owing Respondent unpaid wages during that period. But they denied that it was in the amount claimed by Respondent. The variance arises from... More

The Appellant is appealing against the decision to find him guilty and to dismiss him from work. More

On the 18 September 2023 this Court issued a judgement which dismissed applicant’s appeal against his dismissal from employment by respondent. A party wishing to appeal the judgement is guided by the Labour Court Rules 2017 whose Rule 43 provides that “43(1) An application in terms of section 92F (2) of the Act seeking leave to appeal from any decision of the Court shall be made to the Judge of the Court who made the decision or in his or her absence, from any other Judge, within twenty-one days from the date of that decision.” More