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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 12th June 2012 the Honourable Y Malama made an arbitration award. She ordered Appellant to reinstate Respondent in its employment or pay him damages in lieu of reinstatement. Appellant then appealed to this Court. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

The respondent was employed by the appellant. He referred a complaint of underpayment of wages to the labour officer. The labour officer having failed to conciliate the matter referred it in terms of section 93(5) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] for compulsory arbitration. The terms of reference were for the arbitrator to determine firstly, whether the respondent was being underpaid, secondly, whether, EMhere a consultant had locus standi to represent the respondent in proceedings before the arbitrator and thirdly, to establish appropriate remedy. More

This is an appeal against a decision of the National Employment Council for the Banking Undertaking. More

On 18th February 2011 the NEC Banking made a determination. In terms thereof Appellant was ordered to reinstate Respondent’s employment without loss of salary and benefits. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the determination. More

On 30th March 2010 the NEC Banking made a determination. It ordered Appellant to reinstate Respondent’s employment without loss of salary and benefits from the date of her dismissal. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the determination. Respondent opposed the appeal. Appellant’s case was as follows: 1. Respondent worked for Appellant as an Acting Transaction Controller. 2. On 4th January 2006 she raised a payment voucher for ZWD$2 650.000. 3. She encashed the voucher and paid one Chareka for services rendered to Appellant. 4. On or about the same date it was found that the payment voucher was not... More