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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant is disgruntled by the ruling made by the Arbitrator. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. Such an application is governed by section 92 F of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] as well as Rule 36 of this Court’s rules, S.I. 59/2006. More

This is an appeal against the Arbitrator’s findings that; 1) The Respondents were unfairly and unlawfully dismissed by the Appellant from employment. 2) The Respondents be reinstated and paid their backpay up to date of dismissal. 3) Reinstatement would not be a viable option considering the level of disagreement that exists between the parties. 4) (i) That Rolland S.H Corbett be paid a total of $133 800.00 being damages in lieu of reinstatement. (ii) That Jason J. Corbett be paid a total sum of $80 640.00 being damages in lieu of reinstatement (iii) That Heath C. Corbett be paid a... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in favour of the respondent. Respondent was employed by Zimplastics (Pvt) Ltd, a member of the Corbett Company up to March 2008 before the company was taken over by the appellant. Respondent alleged unlawful and wrongful dismissal on 17 March 2011 through a verbal instruction to a Mr Roly Sylvester Hugh Corbett. The matter went for conciliation and subsequently arbitration. An award was given, appealed against resulting in remittal to the tribunal. The arbitrator ruled that respondent was unfairly and unlawfully dismissed. He ordered reinstatement with full salary and benefits and if... More

This matter was struck off the roll on 17 October 2023. Appellant’s legal practitioners have requested for reasons therefore. This Court makes the observation that these reasons were only requested after an application for reinstatement of this matter was also struck off the roll on 21 March 2024 as being improperly before the Court. However, the following are the reasons as requested by the Appellant’s legal practitioners. More