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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal from the decision of an Arbitrator who found that the termination of the Respondents’ Contract of employment by the Appellant (ZESA) was unlawful and he ordered that ZESA should retrench the Respondents. The facts of the matter are that the Respondents were employed by ZESA on three months fixed term contracts. These contracts were renewed for periods varying between 2 and 4 years, on 4 August 2010, ZESA gave notice that the contracts would not be renewed. The Respondents’ were dissatisfied with the termination of their contracts and they claimed that they had been unfairly dismissed. More

At the hearing of this matter it emerged that the registrar had ordered a splitting of two matters into two separate files. More

On 13th November 2013 Arbitrator N.A. Mutongoreri made an arbitration award. Therein he dismissed Appellant’s complaints about Respondent’s job evaluation exercise. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

This matter was set down as an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. On the hearing date the applicant applied that the bar operating against it vis filing of Heads of Arguments be uplifted. Respondent objected to the upliftment of the bar and moved the court to rule that the applicant is barred for want of filing heads of argument on time. This judgment therefore concerns itself with the point in limine vis the upliftment of the bar only. More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of this court that was handed down on the 31st May 2019. This court in its judgment found that the Applicant had erred by applying SI 15/2006 when there were regulations that were provided for it to apply in conducting disciplinary proceedings. More