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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The matter was originally placed before the Court as an application for condonation for late filing of an application for confirmation of an order by a Labour Officer. The matter was opposed at the hearing, the 2nd respondent raised a preliminary point arguing that the applicant’s representative had no authority to represent the applicant on account of the failure to file proof to that effect. More

This is an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award issued on 20 January 2014. The application was initially filed with the Registrar as an urgent chamber application on 11 February 2014. On 13 February 2014 the respondent filed with the Registrar a notice of opposition together with respondent’s opposing affidavit. On 17 February 2014 the applicant filed an answering affidavit. On 3 March 2014 this court issued an order dismissing the urgency part of the application and directed that the matter be placed before the court as an ordinary application. More

On 17 August 2015 at Harare, Arbitrator J Ndomene issued an arbitration award. He dismissed appellant’s application for rescission of an earlier award. Appellant then appealed to this court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award wherein the Learned Arbitrator ordered the appellant to reinstate the respondent with no loss of salary with an alternative order for damages should reinstatementbe no longer possible. The facts of this matter are as follows: The appellant company’s managerial employees formed a union called the Managerial Credit Union (MCU). The respondent was chairman of that union. It had its own constitution which governed its operations. The appellant was MCU’s guarantor with their bankers, CBZ Bank. Its (the appellant’s) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was the patron of MCU. The respondent abused the union’s... More

This is an application for ‘an order’. The draft is couched as follows: “(1) The application for quantification in United States Dollars be and is hereby granted. (2) The Respondent is hereby ordered to pay the Retrenchees as follows: (a) Innocencia C. Chitauro US$10 663-38 (b) Cosmas Chitauro US$2 793-36 (c) Respondent to pay costs of suit.” The application is opposed. In 2005 the present respondent filed an appeal with this court. The appeal was dismissed in judgment LC/H/70/2005. At the time that the judgment was granted the respondent was trying to resile from an agreement it had entered with... More