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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 11th January 2013 Applicant filed an application for rescission of judgment. On 5th February 2013 Respondent filed a response in which she opposed the application. In due course the matter was set down for hearing. More

This is an application for review as well as an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The grounds for review are; 1. That the honourable arbitrator grossly erred at law in proceeding to determine the matter without the parties having gone through conciliation proceedings in terms of the law. 2. The arbitrator grossly erred in proceeding to determine the matter without giving an opportunity to the parties to make oral submissions in support of the written submissions. More

The appellant in this case is employed by the respondent. The background facts of this dispute are that the appellant was given a laptop to use in the course of his duties. More

This is an application for stay of execution of an award by an arbitrator. To enable an application of this sort to succeed, the applicant must show that they have good prospects of success in the main appeal, that there is likelihood of suffering irreparable harm on the part of the applicant and that the balance of convenience favours the granting of the application. More

This is an appeal against the ruling of a labour officer, who is the 1st respondent, dated 29 June 2023 and duly registered with the High Court. The matter was heard before me on 31 January 2024. More