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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellants are employees of the respondent in the Housing Department. In the period between 2005 and 2010 they were all appointed to act in a higher grade, from grade 16 to grade 11. On 12 February 2011 appellants referred to conciliation two issues, non-payment of acting allowance by the respondent and a claim for substantive appointment to the positions they were acting in. More

The Applicants in this case are seeking quantification of damages due to them from the Respondent Company against whom a default judgment was granted by President Hove. On the date of the hearing for the quantification claim, the Respondent did not avail itself despite service. In this respect reference is made to the affidavit by Last Gata the Labour Court driver who went to serve the Respondent on 06 March 2013. In that affidavit Last states that when he got to the Respondent’s premises of operations, persons there present refused to accept the process arguing that a company by the... More

The background to the matter is that around 2009 when the country faced an acute brain drain due to the then prevailing economic conditions applicant employees were said to have done work in capacities beyond their grades but did not get promoted to the higher grades neither were they paid for the duties they performed in that high capacity. More

The Applicant submitted that he was employed by the Respondent as a supervisor and Imam of the Arcadian Islamic Society (Respondent) from the 1st of September 1989 up to the 28th of January 2015. This point was however disputed by the Respondent. It was Respondent’s counter submission that Appellant was not an employee instead he was only offering his services as per the Respondents religion and under the terms of the Koran. More

The record of this matter was placed before me for consideration in chambers. This is an appeal against the portion of the arbitral award that dismissed the Appellants’ claim for appointment to substantive post Grade 10. More