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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the late noting of an appeal and late filing of an application for review. The application arises from disciplinary proceedings which led to the applicant’s dismissal from employment on 18 March 2020. More

Applicant filed in this Court an application for review. Respondent opposed the application. The grounds for review were worded as follows; “The Disciplinary Committee was not properly composed as provided for in terms of …Both employees’ representatives and workers representatives were not part of the Disciplinary Committee and yet statute detects (sic) that they out to have been there. 2. The Appeals Official denied Applicant the right to be heard when he dealt with the matter in the absence of the Applicant…” More

This is an appeal from an arbitrator’s decision dismissing Appellant from employment on charges of falsifying or changing any document with fraudulent intent or attempting to do so in contravention of section 11 of Schedule D of Respondent’s Code. I dismissed the appeal with costs on the date of hearing and indicated that reasons would follow. More

The applicant noted an application for review on or about the 28th February 2014 before this Court. This is the matter which was set for hearing. At the hearing, applicant’s legal representative proceeded to make an oral application for condonation of late noting of the review. This seems to have been prompted by the point in limine raised, that as the application was filed out of time without any application for condonation, it was a legal nullity. This is my ruling on the application for condonation of the late noting of the review. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award reinstating the respondent and in the alternative payment of damages amounting to $221 625.00. More