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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant was employed by Respondent and at the time charges were levelled against her she was a vehicle sales administrator. For not attending a performance appraisal interview, Appellant was charged with wilful disobedience to a lawful order given by a superior. This was in terms of section 9.(57) of Respondent’s Code of Conduct. The Disciplinary Committee found the charge as proved and imposed a dismissal penalty. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award by Hon T Mlilwana that was handed down on 24 August 2015. The arbitrator handed down the following award: “(i) Backpay $280-00 x 12 months = USD 3 360-00 (ii) Damages $280-00 x 8 months = USD 2240-00 (iii) Gratuity $27% x $280-00 x 22 years = USD 1163-20 (iv) Leave Pay $280-00 x 2 months = USD 560-00 Total USD 7 323-00 More

The Appellant was employed as an Executive Secretary by the Respondent through a letter of appointment dated 28 February 2009. This contract of employment was for a fixed period terminating on 28 February 2014. In a letter dated 15 February 2012, the Appellant was appointed to the post of Finance and Administration Manager. In a letter dated 13 November 2013 the Respondent advised the Appellant that it desired to terminate the employment contract with immediate effect but undertook to pay all contractual dues for the remaining period of the contract. The Appellant took his matter to the Labour Office and... More

This is an appeal against the Respondent’s decision to dismiss from employment the appellant for having committed acts of misconduct. More

This is an application for condonation and also for leave to appeal this court’s judgement number LC/H/250/19 to the Supreme Court. More