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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was in default despite the fact that summons was served on his designated representatives, the Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions (“ZFTU”). Respondent’s Counsel implored the court to proceed to hear the matter on the merits. The court granted the request. The brief facts of the matter are that the appellant was employed by the respondent as a Project Manager. He is alleged to have misused the motor vehicle allocated to him by the respondent. He was charged and found guilty leading to his dismissal. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator upheld his dismissal. The appellant... More

Respondent applied for condonation of belated filing of its response. It stated that the response was due on the 21st September 2023 but was filed one (1) day later on 22nd September 2023. The delay was caused by the fact that the respondent is based in Bindura whilst the Court is situate in Harare. No prejudice has been alleged or shown by appellant. All necessary papers now being available respondent argued that it was in the interests of justice that condonation be granted and the matter be determined on its merits. More

The appellant was employed by the Respondent prior to him being arraigned before the Disciplinary Committee on one charge of misconduct. The Appellant was found guilty and dismissed from employment. More

This is an appeal against the determination of the Negotiating Committee for the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors (Negotiating Committee), which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from the respondent’s employment. More

This is an appeal against the respondent council’s decision to dismiss the appellant employee following allegations of embezzlement of council funds at a time when the appellant was in employment as an accounts clerk. More