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Court Judgements

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Appellant was a Senior Teacher based at Two Tree Hill Primary School when the allegations for which he was dismissed arose. It was alleged that Appellant uttered vulgar words to Ellen Chamba a 9 year old grade 3 pupil to the effect that, “mine can penetrate”, “let’s see your breasts” “you are my wife” and lets go behind the classroom to have sex”. It was also alleged that he improperly associated with Kelly Matiga, a grade 7 girl pupil by making unbecoming utterances such as “you are my girl” and “give me love”. Out of the 15 allegations preferred against... More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling made by the applicant in terms of section 93 (5 a) and (5b) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] “the Act”. More

This is an appeal at the instance of the appellant school against a decision made by the arbitrator in favour of the respondent employee. The background to the matter is that the respondent who was in the appellant’s employ as a clerk-typist was dismissed from employment following disciplinary proceedings for acts of misconduct. Her matter eventually landed at arbitration where the arbitrator set aside the dismissal and reinstated her as well as ordered that she be paid what she was being underpaid in terms of the industry salary and benefits stipulates. Appellant was aggrieved by the arbitral award and thus... More

The background of this matter is that the respondents were permanent employees of Chinhoyi University & Technology farm. Currently they are employed by the joint venture of Zim-China Wan Agriculture (Pvt) Ltd. It is alleged that the respondents were advised by Mr Rashidi the Human Resources Manager to join the new venture before it was too late. The respondents expected the appellant to pay them a retrenchment package. The appellant on the other hand expected the respondents to give notice of their termination of employment. The matter was referred for conciliation but parties failed to reach a settlement and the... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral quantification award. Respondent was dismissed by Appellant from the post of Permanent Lecturer in November 2009 following disciplinary hearings. An arbitral award thereafter ordered his reinstatement on the 26th August 2011. Damages in lieu of reinstatement was the alternative order. More