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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the end of the hearing in this matter it became clear that the appellant had no case. An order dismissing the appeal was thereafter made. The following are the reasons. More

This is an appeal against the decision of honourable arbitrator P Chirongoma dated 4 December 2015. The arbitrator in this award turned down the claim for non-payment of terminal benefits for lack of merit. More

Appellant raised a point in limine that the Respondent was barred. Appellant submitted that it served its Heads of Argument upon the Respondent on 16 February 2012. Respondent was obliged to file its Heads of Argument within 14 days of receipt of Appellant’s Heads. He did not do so. Accordingly he is barred and should not be heard. The Respondent argued that the Appellant filed its Heads prematurely before the Registrar had issued a notice to file a response upon the Respondent. If the issue before me was that Respondent failed to file its notice of response on time I... More

This matter was set down as an application for rescission of a default judgment granted in the Respondent employee’s favour against the Applicant employer. On the set down date it was brought to the Court’s attention that the employer had withdrawn the application. On the same date at the set time the employer did not appear on the basis of the withdrawal. The employee’s representative however tuned up and stated that whilst he acknowledged the withdrawal notice he had observed that the employer had not tendered the wasted costs. More

The appellant is the former employer of the respondents who were each employed at different times in different capacities prior to December 2007 at the Cathedral of St Mary and All Saints. On 21 September 2007, the then bishop of the church for the Province of Central Africa, (“the Church”) Norbert Kunonga and his followers withdrew their membership from the church. He proceeded to form a separate church, the Anglican Church of the Province of Zimbabwe (ACPZ). More