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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award wherein the Arbitrator set aside the employer’s dismissal of the respondents for willful disobedience to a lawful order and ordered their reinstatement with no loss of salary or benefits from date of dismissal or alternatively award them the appropriate damages. More

This is an appeal against an appeal against the arbitral award by Hon Arbitrator Mudzimure that was handed down on 5 May 2015. The arbitrator had ordered the Appellant to reinstate the Respondent without loss of benefits and salary. More

This is an appeal against the Arbitrator’s ruling ordering Appellant to appoint Respondent to the position of Personal Assistant to the Human Resources Director, following a council resolution of 29 May 2008. The brief facts are that the respondent is an employee of the appellant. Sometime in May 2008 Appellant advertised a vacancy notice for Personal Assistant to the Human Resources Director which is a Grade 8 appointment. Respondent amongst others responded to the advertisement. She was then invited to and attended an interview. She was placed as an alternate candidate who would take up the post should the first... More

This is an appeal against an award by an arbitrator sitting at Harare. The facts of the matter are largely common cause. These are they. The respondent was employed by the appellant. Disciplinary proceedings were conducted against him. He was found guilty. He was penalised with dismissal. He appealed internally in terms of the obtaining appeal process. Appellant, for whatever reason, never sat to determine the appeal. This was so despite reminders from the respondent. A situation where an employer decides to ignore the plight of a dismissed employee in asserting his rights is unacceptable. Section 2A(1) of the Labour... More

At the hearing of an appeal in this matter, respondent made an oral application for a postponement of this matter to enable the filing of heads of argument, which are outstanding. More