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The appellant was convicted of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances as defined in section 131 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment of which 1 year imprisonment was suspended on condition of restitution to the complainant. More

This is an application to uphold the appointment of the applicant on 20th October 2016 as the substantive Chief Samambwa and for a declaration as invalid, null and void the purported appointment on 19th December 2017 of the first respondent to the same office by the fifth respondent. The facts are that the applicant was appointed the substantive Chief Samambwa of Zhombe, Kwekwe District, Midlands Province in Zimbabwe on the 20th of October 2016 by the then President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr Robert Gabriel Mugabe following several disputes and meetings over the prevailing Samambwa Chieftainship succession customs. Following... More

When the plaintiff drove his BMW 528i series motor vehicle, registration number AAG 6022 to Kuwadzana Police Station and parked it at the police car park on the night of 14 November 2009 he did not know that he was driving the said vehicle for the last time. He had been involved in an accident with a pedestrian somewhere along Harare – Bulawayo road and as is the norm, the police impounded the vehicle for further investigations and demanded that he drove it to the police station. More

On 24 September 2002, the applicant purchased certain rights, title and interest that the 1st respondent had in respect of certain immovable property in Norton. He paid the asking price in full in the sum of $1,9 million. The agreement of sale was reduced to writing. After paying the purchase price, he demanded that the seller cede to him the rights, title and interest that he had purchased. He was informed that the Norton Town Council was refusing to accede to the cession as it required the consent of the 2nd respondent, estranged wife of the 1st respondent. More

This is an urgent chamber application for the upliftmentof caveats. The application is opposed. The relief sought by the applicant is in the following terms: “Interim Relief Granted Pending the return day, this provisional order shall serve as an interim order directing that: 1. The applicant’s properties being Lot 1 of Umsungwe Block, Gwelo and stand number 1014 of Gwelo Township be and are hereby discharged from judicial attachment. Terms of final order 1. The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to instruct the 2nd respondent to uplift caveat 35/2019 pertaining to stand number 1014 of Gwelo Township forthwith.... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of a notice of response by David Whitehead Textiles Limited (Applicant) in respect of an application between 1st Respondent, applicant and 2nd, 3rd, 4th respondents case LC/H/LRA/33/19. Rule 15 sub rule (6) of this Court’s Rules, Statutory Instrument 150 of 2017 obliges a respondent to file a response to an application within 10 (ten) days of receiving the application. More

The applicant applies to be admitted to bail pending trial. He is facing charges of robbery committed in aggravating circumstances as defined in s 126(1)(a)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] on which he was remanded in custody by the magistrate at Harare on 25 November, 2020. The applicant was co-charged with accomplices Mbonisi Ndlovu and Alex Mathew Murira. Mbonisi Ndlovu who were admitted to bail by CHINAMORA J on 15 February, 2021. More

This is an urgent chamber application by the applicant for a provisional order seeking a stay of a criminal trial pending finalisation of an application for review filed on the 24th October 2017. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which overturned the Appellant’s Disciplinary Committee’s decision which had found Respondent guilty of misconduct and dismissed him from employment. More

The applicants are erstwhile employees of the respondent. It is common cause that the employment contracts of the applicants were terminated on notice. A dispute arose in relation to quantification of the applicant’s dues consequent on the termination aforesaid. A designated agent L Masvingwe presided over the dispute at Bulawayo and issued the following ruling on 10 May, 2019: “COURT RULING WHEREFORE, after carefully analyzing the facts the law, I wake the following ruling That; 1. The first respondent is ordered to pay the outstanding balances due to D Mazambara and 7 Others a gross total of $194 220.20 according... More

This is an appeal against a summary judgment granted by a magistrate sitting at Kadoma on 27 May 2016. More

This Urgent Chamber Application seeks to stop the continuation of trial before the second respondent. The applicant was charged with three counts of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in section 174 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty and the trial commenced with the leading of evidence from eight state witnesses. At the close of the state case the applicant applied for a discharge in terms of section 198 (3) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, Chapter 9:07, which application was dismissed by the second... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Public Accountants and Auditors Board (hereinafter called the Respondent) that was communicated to the Appellant on 16 June 2005. More

The appellant is charged with 5 counts of theft from motor vehicle allegations which he is alleged to have committed with 3 others two of whom are still at large. Appellant was placed on remand on the 9th July 2021 together with one Desire Chirume as accused 2. Broadly the modus operandi in all the 5 counts is the same. Appellant and his co-accused are alleged to have broken into complainants’ motor vehicles after smashing door window glasses in order to access property inside the motor vehicle which generally were laptop, mobile phones etc. More

The appellant was tried and convicted of the offence of contravening s 52 (2) of the Road Traffic Act, [Chapter 13:11] upon his conviction the appellant was sentenced to pay a fine of $200 and had his driver’s licence endorsed More