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This is an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award handed down by Honourable N.K. Nhimba on 14 August 2013. The award nullified the short time work implemented by the applicant from 1 September 2011 to May 2013. The award also ordered payment of amounts owed to the respondents as a result of reduced salaries paid during implementation of short time work. More

: I was on the urgent applications duty roster in the week beginning 26 March, 2018 through to 1 April, 2018. Being on urgent duty is a daunting assignment for any judge because the judge on duty is on call twenty four hours. Judges take turns to perform the 24 hour shift. It is their duty to be available all the time to dispense justice to all and sundry. More

MAKONESE J: This is an application for a declaratur. The applicant seeks an order in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The conduct of the respondent to withhold the applicant’s vehicle on condition that that he has to pay duty in foreign currency be and is hereby declared ultra vires the law prevailing at the time and therefore illegal. 2. The ordinary meaning of the phrase” within 42 days of importation “of goods in section 3 (3) of SI 252A, be declared not to be reckoned from 23rd November 2018, but from the date of importation. 3. The... More

MATHONSI JA: This is an automatic appeal against the sentence of death imposed on the appellant by the High Court on 31 January 2018 following his conviction of the crime of murder with actual intent. More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of appeal. Applicant was employed as a Dump Truck Operator by respondent. He was dismissed from employment on 24 March 2014 after having been found guilty of stealing diesel and selling it to a third party. On 26 March 2014 he appealed to the Disciplinary and Grievance Committee. On 2 April 2014 the Disciplinary and Grievance Committee confirmed the dismissal and advised the applicant of his appeal rights to this court. In terms of Rule 15 of S.I. 59/2006 applicant had twenty-one days within which to appeal to this Court. The... More

Applicant is the testamentary executor of the estate late Vassilliki Divaris. The late Divaris owned 454,890 shares in respondent bank (“Tetrad”). On 28 June 2023, Tetrad published a notice of an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”). The EGM was scheduled to take place on 20 July 2023. Its purpose being to procure shareholder approval to change the nature of the company`s business. Tetrad`s directors had resolved to surrender the bank`s licence and set sights on venturing into property and real estate. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant, claiming the following relief: a) “payment in the sum of US42 000.00 or its lawful Zimbabwean dollar equivalent. b) Interest thereon at 10% per month calculated from the date of Summons to date of full payment. c) Collection commission calculated in terms of the Law Society By Laws. d) An order that the rights held by Defendant in certain immovable property being Stand 22871 Ruwa Township of subdivision of Sebastol held under Deed of Transfer No 4138/20 be declared executable. e) Costs of suit on an attorney –client scale.” More

The trial of this matter was set down before me with two defendants cited as follows – first defendant was Nyaradzo Catherine Magoge –Mashindi and second defendant as Tango Mining P/L T/A Dinhidza Mine. Second defendant was the former employer of the plaintiffs. The summons was apparently served on persons who had taken over Dinhidza mine from second defendant without being second defendants’ successor in title. As a result an appearance to defend was erroneously entered on the instructions of the persons served with the summons who instructed Mr Muza who has since realised that those that instructed him to... More

The plaintiff and the defendant were married on 9 June 2000 at Harare in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children, a son aged 20 years and a daughter aged 14 years. Due to irreconcilable differences on 4 April 2017 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court for a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The Defendant defended the matter and filed a counterclaim.In seeking the dissolution of the marriage the plaintiff alleged that the marriage relationship between the parties has irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there are no... More

This matter was set down for hearing on the opposed roll on 8 June 2022. On that date, respondent had not served applicant with her heads of argument which were said to have been filed on the 25th of January 2022. Applicant therefore raised a preliminary point to the effect that respondent is barred for non-compliance with r59 (20) of SI 202/2021 for failure to serve her heads of argument immediately after filing of the aforesaid heads of argument. More

On 10 February 2021, applicant filed this urgent chamber application seeking relief set out in the draft provisional order as follows: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT: That you show cause to the Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms- 1. Pending determination of the ordinary application for review which is to be filed within 5 days of the resumption of filing of normal court business. 2. That 3rd and 4th Respondent shall pay costs of suit on the higher scale of attorney and client. INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED 1. Pending the return date, the... More

Applicant seeks the following interim relief: “Pending the final determination of this matter the applicant is granted the following interim relief:- That the first and second respondents and their followers be and are hereby interdicted from conducting church services in properties controlled by the applicant, or interfering with the business and ministry of the applicant. That the second respondent be and is hereby interdicted from holding himself out as a Bishop of the applicant, and conducting his ministry as such.” More

This is an application for the transfer of Stand number 979 Dulibadzimu, Beitbridge held under Deed of Transfer No. 895/2010 from the first respondent to the applicant and for the second respondent to be ordered to uplift the caveat it had placed on the said property. More

Appellant was employed as a teacher by the Respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, he was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. Appellant is dissatisfied with the decision and has approached this Court for relief. More

The second applicant, in his capacity as a director of the first applicant, entered into an agreement of sale of motor vehicles with the first respondent. In terms of this agreement, the first respondent sold to the applicants 7 motor vehicles, mainly steel body tippers, for a total amount of US $ 335 000.00. Pursuant to the agreement, the applicants made some payments, leaving a balance of US $ 215 000.00. Sometime in July 2021, the second applicant signed an acknowledgement of debt on behalf of the first applicant for the amount of US $215 000.00. The acknowledgment of debt... More