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Court Judgements

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The plaintiff’s issued out summons in this court on 14 October 2010 seeking damages to the tune of US$8 500 emanating from an alleged assault on her by the first and second respondents during the course of their work as police officers. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 12 July 2019, dismissing with costs, an application by the appellant for a declaratory order. More

This is a court application for variation of a custody and access order. The applicant and respondent are ex-wife and ex-husband respectively; their divorce having been granted in 2019 by this Honorable Court. The applicant seeks variation for custody and access order previously granted. More

In 2012 the appellant in this matter sold his house at No.30 Arundel School Road, with the conveyancing was done by the first respondent (a legal practitioner). From a series of actions and applications brought before the courts, it was accepted that the first respondent misappropriated some of the proceeds from the sale of the immovable property. Consequently, the appellant successfully instituted legal proceedings against the first respondent and obtained a judgment against him in 2015. Despite a multiplicity of legal proceedings at the instance of the first respondent, the appellant managed to place a caveat on the latter’s immovable... More

The above was the headline on pp 14 of the Sport page of the Herald of 11 October 2010 after the warriors drew nil with Cape Verde in the qualifying match of the Group A of the 2012 African Cup of Nations. The soccer match, played on 10 October 2010, was reported by Augustine Hwata. That heading, in a way, depicts the mood of soccer lovers, if not the nationas a whole, following the failure by the National Team to the beat Cape Verde National Team. More

Appellant was employed by the respondent for a period of 33 years as a machine setter on a contract without limit of time. He fell ill on or about May 2022 and he could not report for duty since the 27th of May 2022. Initially he was placed on a fully paid sick leave for three months and later on half pay for another three months. However, his condition did not improve. Early December 2022, the parties discussed the state of affairs arising from the appellant’s exhaustion of his paid sick leave days. It was agreed that the company’s doctors... More

This is an application for a declaratory relief where the applicant is seeking the following relief as per the draft order: “IT IS DECLARED THAT: a) Sections 22 and 23 of the Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations, 1983 are ultra vires the Commercial Premises (Lease Control) Act [Chapter 14:04] and are thereby set aside. b) Sections 22 and 23 of the Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations, 1983 be and are hereby declared to be unconstitutional as they violate Sections 44, 56, 64, 71, and 86 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe No. 20 of 2013 and are accordingly invalid. c) Respondents to pay... More

On 4 May 2017 I made a determination that the application before me was not urgent and struck it off the roll. These are the reasons for that decision. More

UCHENA JA: This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court Bulawayo dated 23 July 2020, which dismissed the appellant’s appeal against the decision of the Magistrate’s Court granting the respondent summary judgment against him. BACKGROUND FACTS The appellant is the owner of a residential property known as number 18 Pingstone Road Kumalo within the City of Bulawayo. His property’s account number is 34452705. He, as is the norm, was billed for water and rates between August 2013 and November 2018. He did not pay his bills leading to an accumulated debt of US$4 601.50. He says... More

The appellant is a frequent visitor to this court. In the past few years he has filed and defended various claims in this court and in the lower courts. The appellant noted an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrates’ Court sitting at Bulawayo on 21st November 2017. The factual background in this matter is this. Sometime in October 2014 appellant handed over his house at 18 Pingstone Road, Kumalo, Bulawayo, to 1st respondent for management. The parties entered into “management agreement” in terms of which 1st respondent agreed to secure a tenant to occupy appellant’s property and pay rentals... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court, dated 13 July 2017, dismissing an application for review of the determination of an arbitrator which had dismissed preliminary issues raised by the appellant relating, inter alia, to the legal status of the first respondent and its capacity to enforce a franchise agreement between the parties. More

The applicant issued out summons against the respondent under HC 1331/20 wherein the claim was couched as follows:- More

This application is titled “court application for unlawful disposal of deceased’s immovable property.”The 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11threspondents neither filed opposing papers, nor participated in these proceedings.The 3rd and 4threspondents are cited in their official capacities because the implementation of the order sought by the applicant, if granted may require their services. This application is opposed by the 2nd respondent. The applicant seeks relief couched in the following terms: i. The certificate issued by the Deputy Master under section 120 of the Administration of Estates Act be and is hereby set aside. ii. The disposal of... More

Judgment in this matter was reserved on 2 April 2013, but when the Court sat down to write the judgment, it discovered that the initial disciplinary proceedings were incomplete to the extent that, as per page 17 of the record, they only started with question five suggesting that there were prior questions which were missing. As a result the Court mandated the Registrar to ask for the complete record of the initial proceedings so that, the Court could decide whether or not the Appellant was dismissed in regular circumstances. More

The appellant is appealing against the arbitral award which was handed down by Honourable T.R. Madzimure on the 20th of May 2013. More