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On the 25th April 2023 at Harare, applicant in his capacity as a Labour Officer, issued a ruling. He ordered 1st respondent (employer) to pay 2nd respondent (employee) an amount of US12,000-00 as damages for unlawful termination of employment. Apparently, the employer did not comply with the ruling. Then applicant applied to this Court for the confirmation of his ruling in terms of section 93(5a) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling made by a Labour Officer in terms of section 93 (5a) (a) and (b) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] [The Act]. An order confirming the application was made. Reasons were to follow. More

Applicant applied to this Court for the review of her dismissal from employment by Respondent. The application was made in terms of sections 89(1) and 92 EE of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the application. More

This matter concerns an immovable property namely House No. 48, McGhie Avenue Rhodene, Masvingo (hereinafter called the house) which forms part of the estate of the, late Cornelio Evans Ndige who died on 25 March 2012 and whose estate is registered under WE34/13 More

Before us is an appeal against the decision of the magistrates’ court which granted an application for summary judgment thereby evicting the appellant and all those claiming occupation through her from Stand No 985 Mabelreign Township, also known as No 16 Shashi Flats Mabelreign, Harare. In addition the appellant was ordered to pay to first and second respondents, the sum of US$700.00 being rent arrears from 1 November 2020 to May 2021, to be paid at the prevailing bank rate. US$100.00 per month was also payable to third respondent as holding over damages from June 2021 to the date of... More

On 16 August 2013 Appellant appealed against a decision of Honourable P. Mutsinze which upheld her dismissal. More

At the hearing of this matter I dismissed the appeal and indicated that reasons would follow. These are they; This is an appeal against a decision of the Disciplinary Committee dismissing appellant. Appellant was employed by Metallon Gold Zimbabwe (Pvt) Limited which operates Shamva Mine. He was charged of theft, gross incompetency and gross negligence in terms of the Code of Conduct. Appellant, who was employed as a Senior Gang Leader was working in a shift in the Smelting Room in May 2015. He left his subordinates to work without supervision and gold slime was stolen. More

On 24 August 2023, acting in terms of r 56 (2) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018, the applicant filed the present chamber application for the review of the first respondent (taxing officer)’s decision. On 1 August 2023, the first respondent declined to award to the applicant the United States dollar denominated disbursements, which it had paid to its own counsel, at the interbank rate prevailing on the date of taxation. Instead, the first respondent awarded the applicant these costs in RTGS dollars at the interbank rate prevailing on the date on which the applicant had voluntarily paid counsel in... More

GARWE JA [1] This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe sitting at Harare granting the respondent’s claim against the appellant in the total sum of US$120 000 together with interest thereon and costs of suit. The amount represents land development levies for the period 2009 to 2013 which the respondent claimed were outstanding in terms of the Rural District Council Act, [Chapter 29:13] (“the Act”). In determining that the appellant was liable to pay the sum claimed by the respondent, the court a quo interpreted the word “owner” as defined in s 95... More

The first applicant is a mining company registered according to the laws of Zimbabwe. The applicant is a member of the New Dawn Mining group which owns and operates a number of mines in this country. The second applicant is a private limited company which holds a tribute agreement to mine several of first applicant’s mining claims generally known as Antelope. These are the claims in dispute. They are fully described in the draft order. They will be referred to hereinafter as the mining claims. The respondent is cited in his official capacity tasked with the administration duties in terms... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the two applicants seek an order interdicting the first to eleventh respondents, their employees, assignees, invites and all those claiming through them from mining any ore within the boundaries of the first applicant’s mining claims located in Maphisa Kezi. The details of the specific mining claims are given in the draft provisional order. Applicants also seek an order interdicting the same respondents from removing any mined ore, dump or sands from the said claims boundary. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the first to tenth respondents, their employees, assignees, invitees and all other persons claiming occupation through these respondents from mining ore at the disputed mining claims located in Maphisa, Kezi and from removing any mined ore, dump or sands from the said claims. The relief is being sought pending determination of the action instituted under Case Number HC 6672/23 for the ejectment of these respondents from the claims. More

By a letter dated the 5th June, 2009, Appellant terminated Respondent’s contract of employment. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award per the Honourable D. Munemo dated 23rd September, 2015. The Appellant seeks to have the award set aside in its entirety. The appeal is opposed. More

The critical facts of this matter are a largely common cause and are as follows: On 15 October 2020, the parties entered into an Instalment Sale of Land. The land in question is situate in the District of Gwelo, being Lot 2 of Lot 1G MNYANI measuring 112 0001 hectares (the property), for US$1 500 000.00. The Applicant (the Purchaser) was to pay to the Respondents (the Sellers) a Deposit amount in the sum of US$800 000.00. It happened that at the time the parties signed the sale agreement of sale this deposit amount had already been paid way back... More