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The matter was set down as an application for quantification of damages. On the set down date both parties appeared. The respondent’s counsel submitted that the respondent was not opposed to the granting of the quantification as prayed for by the applicant. Consequently the court made an order by consent on the quantification matter. When the parties were stood down the applicant indicated that she had forgotten to request the court to order that the respondent pay for the motor vehicle licence and insurance for the motor vehicle which she was using as part of her benefits more so now... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 1 April 2015 which set aside the dismissal of the respondent from appellant’s employment, and substituted it with a final written warning. More

This is a clear case in which the arbitral award cannot be allowed to stand. Respondent was employed by appellant as head of department. Following allegations of misconduct, respondent was brought before a Disciplinary Authority which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. An appeal to the Appeals Officer did not yield the desired results. Respondent approached the labour officer and the matter was subsequently referred to arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of the respondent and the appellant has appealed to this court. More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment issued by JUSTICE CHIDZIVA on 12 February 2016. The facts of the matter are common cause. On the date of the hearing, that is 12 February 2016, both parties did not attend the hearing. It is also common cause that the respondent had not received notice of the hearing. However, applicant had been served through its erstwhile legal practitioners. The Court proceeded to grant a default judgment in the circumstances. Applicant thus applies for the rescission of that default judgment. I should also mention that applicant has since changed its... More

On 20 November 2013 I issued an order sitting in Chambers directing the Senior Labour Officer to refer the matter to arbitration within 30 days of the order. On 3 January 2014 Applicant wrote to the Registrar requesting for the reasons for that order. The following are the reasons for that order. More

The intriguing legal issue raised in this application is whether or not a deceased during their life time can donate inter vivos an immovable property registered in the name of a company and if so, the legal consequences arising therefrom. [2] The facts of this matter are presented very simply by the applicant. She is the daughter of the later Matthew Chimbgandah (the deceased) who passed away on the 14th of March 2019. His estate under DR. 805/19 is being administered by the 1st respondent in his capacity as the executor. More

The respondent was employed by the appellant as a bank teller. He was, at the material time, based at the appellant’s Masvingo Branch. The respondent and a workmate, one Happymore Muzara, had joint responsibility for the appellant’s two ATM machines, installed at the Bank and Building Society divisions. The machines were within easy walking distance of each other. The respondent and Muzara exercised what is referred to in the record as joint custodianship of the ATM machines. Their responsibilities included loading cash into the machines, and ensuring that the transactions carried out balanced. Any deficit or surplus had to be... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council Appeals Board for the Banking Undertaking (Appeals Board) handed down on 14 October 2014. The Appeals Board set aside the dismissal of the respondent from employment, and ordered that she be reinstated without loss of salary and benefits. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the NEC Banking and Undertaking Appeals Committee (N.E.C) which set aside the decision of the Grievances and Disciplinary Committee(G.D.C.) and ordered that respondent employee’s dismissal from employment be set aside and that she be reinstated to her original position without loss of salary and benefits. More

Appellant grounds of appeal are two-fold. They read as follows, “1. The arbitrator erred grossly on the facts and at law by finding that the Appellant had the onus of proving on which date Respondent was served with the appeal hearing decision. 2. The arbitrator erred grossly on the facts and at law by making an uncorroborated allegation that an employee always has an interest to protect his employer’s case and finding that whatever the employee then says as a witness is false.” More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment granted by this Court on 7 November 2023. The brief procedural history of the matter is as follows. First Respondent filed an appeal with this Court in Case Number LC/H/18/23. On the hearing date, that is, 31 May 2023, Applicant was in default and the Court allowed the appeal. Applicant thereafter did not file an application for rescission timeously. This led to the filing of an application for condonation of the late filing of an application for rescission of judgment under case Number LC/H/747/23. On the hearing date, which was... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Board for the National Employment Council for the Banking Undertaking (NEC Appeals Board), which reversed Appellant’s Disciplinary Committee’s decision to dismiss Respondent from employment after it found him guilty of misconduct in terms of the applicable NEC Code of Conduct. More

It is pertinent to highlight the factual background to HC3727/18 in order to place the present application into perspective. The first to fourth respondents herein instituted motion proceedings in terms of Order 49 Rule 449(1)(a) of the High Court rules (the rules) under HC3727/18. The application sought the setting aside of a court order granted by TAKUVA J on 7 October 2013 under HC7402/13 on the basis that it was erroneously made. In HC 3727/18, the first to fourth respondents herein were the applicants, while the applicant herein was the first respondent. The fifth to ninth respondents herein were the... More

This is a matter in which plaintiff instituted action against the first, second, third, fourth and fifth defendants claiming against all the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved payment of (a) the sum of $79 371.94 (b) interest on the sum of $79 371.94 at the rate of 35% per annum calculated from the 3rd September 2013 to the date of payment in full (c) collection commission in terms of the Law Society of Zimbabwe By Laws 1982 and (d) costs of suit on the attorney and client scale. More

This is an application for vindication. The applicant gives the background to the application in the following terms:- “4. Respondent was employed by the applicant as a Brach Manager. As part of his employment benefits,respondent was allocated a motor vehicle for his duties namely a motor vehicle Isuzu Registration Number ABC 4719. The enjoyment of usage of this vehicle attached to the office holder of Branch Manager for the applicant. 5. Respondent’s contract of employment was terminated on 29 September 2009 following disciplinary proceedings. An appeal was lodged. The respondent has an appeal pending in the Labour Court where he... More