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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against the judgment of the magistrate sitting at Bulawayo, handed down on the 19th February 2019. More

It is amazing how sometimes simple commercial disputes end up assuming unintended complications in their interpretation. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming jointly and severally the one paying the other to absolved payment of US$501092.34 being capital, US$54 695,59 being interest, US$180.00 being Bank charges, interest on the sum of US$501 092.34 at the rate of 23% per annum subject to variation from time to time with effect from the 16th of August 2016 to date of payment and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale and collection commission as provided for under the Law Society of Zimbabwe by –laws (1982). More

1. This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court handed down under HH 253/16 wherein the court a quo found the appellant liable to pay to the respondent the sum of US$847 847.65 together with costs of suit and interest at the prescribed rate from the date of the granting of the judgment to the date of payment in full. The appellant is a statutory corporation set up in terms of the Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 24:14] (“the IDBZ Act”). The respondent is an oil company registered in accordance with the Companies Act [Chapter... More

TAKUVA J: Plaintiff issued summons against both defendants on 25 June 2010. Plaintiff’s claim is for; (a) An order that the defendant pays an amount of US 37 700-00. (b) An order that defendant pays interest on the amount demanded in (a) above at the prescribed rate from date of summons until the amount has been paid in full. (c) An order that defendant pay costs of suit. Subsequently by consent of the defendants, plaintiffs amended their summons to read as follows; (a) Defendants jointly and severally one paying the other being absolved an amount of US 66 702-00. (b)... More

On 1 March 2017 we upheld an appeal with costs and set aside the court a quo’s decision substituting it with dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 26 July 2017 which judgment disposed of two cases, namely HC 8193/14 and HC 8866/14, which had been consolidated. The former was a summons action instituted by the second respondent for the eviction of the appellant from a property known as Stand 102 Logan Park Township of Lot 6A, Hatfield, Harare (the property). The latter was an action by the appellant for the cancellation of both the sale and transfer of the property to the second respondent. More

On 24 January 2017 upon hearing submissions by the parties we dismissed the appeal with costs. More

The plaintiffs are a married couple, so too are the defendants. The two sets of couples are locked in a dispute over the financial implications of the demise of their short-lived business partnership. The business partnership which came into existence sometime in July 2020 went into a tailspin barely three months into its life before collapsing entirely. As between them the parties had two business concerns comprising a hardware store and a baby supplies shop. The causes of the demise of the partnership are yet contested, suffice it to say that in the immediate aftermath thereof, the plaintiff’s instituted the... More

This is an appeal against bail refusal. The appellant is appearing before the magistrates court at Harare facing a charge of money laundering as defined in s 8(2) of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act [Chapter 9:24]. The allegations are these. On 8 October 2021 the appellant, acting in connivance with one Paminus Mutengo (Mutengo) opened two visa card accounts at separate branches of Banc ABC in Harare. He opened the accounts in his own name whereupon he furnished the account details, the personal identification numbers as well as handed over the visa cards to Mutengo. More

I dismissed the applicant’s application for bail pending appeal on 2 December, 2016. I indicated that I would provide written reasons for my order. These are they. The applicant was charged with 5 counts of contravening s 60 A (3) (b) of the Electricity Act, [Chapter 13:19]. He was arraigned before the Regional Magistrate at Bindura Court to answer to the charges More

The present matter is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 22November 2010 by the Honourable Dr. N. T.Sambureni. More

1. This is an urgent application. This application was filed during vacation. It was first set-down before MOYO J and the Judge directed as follows: that the matter is removed from the roll to enable 1st respondent to file opposing papers no later than 26 April 2022; the matter will then be placed before the next duty judge for set-down; and that the applicant can serve 1st respondent with the notice of set down and file a certificate of service. This matter was then placed before when I assumed my vacation duty. More

The applicant applied for bail pending appeal by application filed on 31 May, 2017. More

Appellant and one Stanley Ndongwe were jointly charged for contravening s 60(1)(a) of the Electricity Act, the allegations in the main charge were that on an unknown date to the public prosecutor during the month of July 2020 and at Muparutsa Business Centre, Honde Valley, one or both of them unlawfully abstracted or diverted electric current or caused electricity current to be abstracted or diverted to the appellant’s grinding mill. Alternatively appellant unlawfully used electricity current at his grinding mill knowing it to have been unlawfully abstracted or diverted. More