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KABASA J: This is an application for bail pending appeal. I did not hear the parties as I decided to dispose of the matter on the papers in terms of Practice Direction 2/2021, a Practice Direction put in place in an effort to contain the spread of the corona virus. The applicant appeared before a Provincial Magistrate sitting at Entumbane charged with one count of unlawful entry committed in aggravating circumstances as defined in section 131 (1) (a) as read with section 131 (2) (e) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He pleaded guilty to the... More

Plaintiff issued summons against defendant on 13 February 2020 with a claim of ZW$500 000.00 with interest at the prescribed rate from the date of judgment to date of payment in full and costs on a higher scale for contumelia and loss of consortium flowing from defendant’s adultery with his wife. More

This is an application to review the actions of the second and third respondents with regards the distribution of the estate of the late Lloyd Chimhowa, who died intestate on 3 December 2007. More

The applicant was convicted by the provincial magistrate Gweru after a protracted trial on a charge of theft as defined in section 113 of the Criminal Law Codification Reform Act [Cap 9:23]. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment were suspended on condition of good behaviour and a further 2 months were suspended on conditions of restitution. The brief facts of the case are that the applicant was a school development chairperson and that he was disposed of school property that is bricks without following the laid down procedures. More

This is a consolidation of appeals filed by the appellants and respondent in Case No LC/H/766/14 and LC/H/819/14 respectively. The appeals emanate from the decision of the arbitrator. The arbitrator dismissed the appellants’ claims in respect of wage differentials allegedly perpetrated by the respondent and a further claim for a failure to establish a Job Grading Committee was equally dismissed. The arbitrator upheld the claim that the respondent should reinstate the Service Awards which was appealed against by the respondent. More

This is an application for confirmation of an order. It is being made in terms of section 93 (5) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (The Act). An order dismissing the application was handed down by the court. Reasons were to follow More

The plaintiffs are husband and wife respectively while the defendants are respectively employee and employer. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling and order made by the applicant in his capacity as designated agent in the Employment Council for Harare Municipal Undertaking. It is made in terms of section 93 (5) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01], as amended. More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling made by the applicant in the matter between the 1st and the 2nd respondents and which ruling was made on the 27th August 2019. Background The 1st respondent employs the 2nd respondent as a loss control officer in charge of council farms. His duties include the supervision of council farm guards on 3 council farms. More

The applicant has petitioned the judge of the High Court applying for his release from pre-trial custody on bail. The applicant appeared before the magistrate at Harare on initial remand on 25 November, 2020 on allegation that he committed two counts of the offence of robbery committed in aggravating circumstances (colloquially referred to as “Armed Robbery”). In the first count the allegations were that on 19 July, 2019 he committed the robbery at a house in Helensvale surburb, Harare around 18:30 hours. The applicant allegedly committed the robbery in the company of two accomplices namely Mbonisi Ndlovu and David Zingura.... More

This is an application for the setting aside of a deed of settlement that was executed by the applicant and respondent in order to solve their labour dispute. The deed of settlement was duly signed by the two parties on 9 May 2016. The application is opposed by the respondent. More

This matter was heard by President Makamure who sent the matter back to the employer to enable the employer to correct the inconsistencies between the findings of the Board and the letter of dismissal. Thereafter, the Appellant was to be heard in mitigation. When the employer was saddled with the remitted matter, it realised it had to appoint some new persons to the Board. Some of the Board members had left the Organisation including the Chairman of the Board. More

The applicant approached the court through the urgent chamber book on 18 March 2021. Upon perusal of papers filed of record on 19 March 2021, I formulated an opinion that the matter was not urgent. By letter filed with Registry on 24 March 2021, the applicant sought audience to address the court. I directed that the respondents be served and set the matter down for 30 March 2021 thus prompting the hearing. A conspectus of the background of the matter has to be put into perspective. Sometime in October 2020 the applicant was served with a notice of disciplinary hearing... More

This is an appeal against conviction only of the appellant. The appellant was convicted of Rape as defined in s 65(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act and sentenced to 18 years imprisonment of which 3 years imprisonment was suspended for a period of 5 years on condition of future good behaviour. More

The applicant, charged with one count of robbery (armed) as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] “the Code”, applies for bail pending trial. More