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The applicant is charged with armed robbery on five counts. He is currently on trial at the Magistrates Court, Harare. The applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is aged 28 and resides at 1207 Muzikanwi Street, Dzivarasekwa, Harare. His co-accused, Samson Chigwende, is a member of the Police Special Constabulary in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. He is also aged 28. He resides at 7802 Tynwald South and works for ZESA. More

On the 28th April, 2016, Applicant who is a Designated Agent for the National Employment Council for the Printing Packaging and Newspaper Industry made a ruling in a dispute pitting L. Chigogora and 11 Others and Respondent. The issue in dispute was non-payment of compensation package arising from the termination of their contracts of employment on three months notice in October 2015. In compliance with section 93(5) of the Labour Act as amended, Applicant filed an application for confirmation of her ruling by this Court. On the 22nd July, 2016 this Court sat to deal with the application. The application... More

This is a counter application by the respondent for referral of certain constitutional issues to the Constitutional Court, in terms of section 175 (4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 (“The Constitution”). More

The applicants together with other seven co-accused persons are charged with five counts of armed robbery as defined in terms of s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the Criminal Code”). More

In this urgent chamber application, the applicant seeks, ostensibly on an interim basis, an order directing the first respondent to hand over forthwith to the conveyancer, the original title deed for a certain property. The order is sought pending the return day. On the return day, the applicant seeks a final order compelling the first respondent to sign all the documents necessary to effect transfer of the property to the applicant, failing which the Sherriff should sign. Costs are sought on the higher scale. [2] The background is largely common cause. It is this. By a written agreement of sale... More

The facts peculiar to this urgent chamber application are that the applicant and second respondent entered into a long-term lease in respect of a property known as Machipisa Bar and Silver Room Tavern, Stand No. 4292 Machipisa, Harare. The material terms of the agreement were that: the applicant would pay the sum of US$ 3 500, being the monthly rental payable on the first day of the month. In addition, the lease would expire in 2032, i.e. ten years from the date of signing. The applicant was also authorized to do construction work and to renovate the premises. The applicant... More

When this matter was first placed before me on 23 February 2012 I was of a very strong view that the matter did not deserve to be treated on urgent basis because of the apparent casual approach adopted by the applicant in its handling this matter. More

The appellant was arraigned before the senior magistrate sitting at MurambindaMagistrates Court on a charge of; More

This is an opposed application. The background to this application is the following. The applicant was employed by the first respondent as a General Manager. She left the employ of the first respondent on 30 September 2007. There are still issues yet to be resolved by the labour Court relating to the circumstances under which she left employment. In addition to her employment the applicant avers that there was an agreement between her and the first respondent whereby she was entitled to a percentage share of the profits for each financial year. The applicant alleges that she was not paid... More

2. This is an appeal against the decision Magistrates’ Court sitting in Bulawayo given on the 7 April 2022. Appellant is charged with the crime of contravening section 125 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on the 16 March 2022, and at Shonga Lodge, Bulawayo, he was found in possession of a white Toyota Prado registration number JS35DZGP (vehicle) in circumstances which gave rise to a reasonable suspicion that it was stolen. It is contended that a physical examination of the vehicle showed that the chassis and engine numbers were tampered with. More

On 23 February 2007, I delivered a hand written judgment after hearing the parties’ submissions in chambers. I made the following order: “1. The Respondent, his family, workers and agents are hereby ordered to return to the Applicants the keys and locks to all sheds, barns, workshops, residences and pump houses pertaining to the buildings on the 376 hectare piece of land occupied by the Applicants in the Headlands area of the Makoni District (which land is hereinafter called “the farm”). 2. The Respondent, his family workers and agents are hereby ordered to restore Tsitsi Musariri and her children to... More

This is an application to confirm or discharge a Provisional order granted by this court on the 9th of August 2019. The brief facts are that the applicant filed an urgent chamber application for an Interdict stopping transfer of an immovable property known as a Certain 2 012 square metres of land called Stand 317 Waterfalls Induna Township of Subdivision A of Lot 24 of Waterfalls Induna of Waterfalls situate in the District of Salisbury held under Deed of Transfer Number 6175/07 pursuant to an Order granted by the Harare Magistrates Court under case number MC 418/18 which order was... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award granted on 7 July 2014, in terms of which the respondent was ordered to pay the appellant certain amounts of money in fulfilment of a retrenchment package approved by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare (the Minister). The arbitral award also disallowed certain items that had been approved in the retrenchment package. Dissatisfied with the amounts awarded and the disallowances made by the arbitrator, the appellant lodged an appeal with this court. More

Appellant has appealed to this court against the decision of the respondent employer’s Appeals Committee which upheld his dismissal in a case where he was found guilty of falsifying records, forgery and fraud in contravention of the Zimbabwe Parks Wildlife Management Authority Code of Conduct. More

The applicant approached this court in terms rule 29(1) of the High Court Rules 2021 seeking rescission of a judgment granted by this court. The order sought was as follows:- IT ORDERED THAT: 1. That the application for rescission of judgment granted by the court be and is hereby granted 2. That the judgment granted by the court under case number HC 3383/20 be and is hereby rescinded. 3. That the respondent be ordered to pay cost on legal practitioner scale Parties argued their case after which they filed heads of arguments. The order was granted and here are my... More