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Court Judgements

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This is an application for a review of the decision of the first respondent which refused to uphold the exception to the misconduct charges which had been leveled against the applicant. The brief facts of the matter are that on 18 June 2012 the applicant was brought before the first respondent facing charges of contravening SI 171/ 10 which is the 2nd respondent’s code of conduct . In particular it was alleged that he had committed the offence of “fighting or riotous behavior “at his workplace contrary to the spirit of the code of conduct. More

The plaintiff brings a claim for a house allegedly bought from proceeds of a theft of his gold ore. The plaintiff’s claim is based on the following facts. The first defendant was formerly employed as a mine manager at Chad 7 Mine in Chakari, owned by the plaintiff from March to August 2016. The first defendant stole gold ore from the mine, had it secretly milled without his consent and sold it. He used the proceeds of the theft to purchase house number 1786 Waverly Township, Kadoma and registered it in both his and the second defendant’s names. The defendants... More

The applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police currently stationed at BULAWAYO TRAFFIC WEST on Highway Patrol. Sometime in January 2001 he was allocated a five roomed house at Gwanda New Police Camp where he was then based as accommodation. More

This application tells a story of two brothers who have been fighting over their father’s estate for over thirty years. The facts that are common cause may be summarised as follows: More

Applicant is facing a charge of Murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegation is that the offence was committed on the night of the 25th December 2020 when applicant came home drunk and became violent causing his wife to flee into a maize field leaving the deceased alone with applicant. More

The plaintiff’s claim is for the replacement and return of 383 x 50kg bags of urea fertiliser, or alternatively, their market value calculated at the date of judgment together with interest at the prescribed rate and costs More

In this case the plaintiff legally divorced her former husbands in a civilized manner as is expected of human beings.When the love relationship has come to a dead end, they do not have to kill each other but pursue the legal route out. The law in its wide encompassing way does not limit the number of times one can get married and equally get divorced as long as it is within the legal precincts. The parties in this divorce matter agreed that their marriage had irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there are no prospects of restoration of... More

: On 18 December, 2015, the applicant applied for a declaratur to the effect that the respondent was in contempt of the court in relation to the court order in case HC 1243/98. More

1. This is an application for a declaratory order. Applicant seeks an order couched in the following terms: i. That the sale and transfer of applicant’s property namely stand number 11294A Bulawayo Township measuring 4, 674 square metres also known as number 2B Bristol Road, South Belmont, Bulawayo to the 1st respondent under Deed of Transfer No. 1746/2019 are hereby declared fraudulent therefore null and void with no force and effect. More

On 22 May 2008, after hearing counsel, I dismissed this application with costs. I am now informed that reasons for the dismissal are required, the reason being that the parties hereto or other parties with an interest in the subject matter of the application are engaged in a legal wrangle and the judge dealing with the matter required my reasons. These are they. More

This matter was referred to me as one ready for a pre-trial conference in terms of r 49 (8). I then instructed that the parties should appear before me for a pre-trial conference on 30 September 2022 at 10.30 am. Though such pre-trial conferences are usually held in chambers, I arranged for the holding of this pre-trial conference in court so that it could be recorded. This was because of the state of the record and the apparent history of the matter. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent to dismiss the appellant from employment after two hearings that were conducted at the workplace. The brief history of the dispute is as follows: The appellant was employed by the respondent on 1 October 2006 as a binner working in the stores department as shown by Annexutre “A” (i.e. the contract of employment). On 21 May 2013 the appellant was dismissed from employment after being charged with refusing to comply with a lawful instruction that was given by a person in authority. It was alleged that on Wednesday 15 May... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent where it dismissed the Appellant following misconduct allegations of embezzlement, willful disobedience to a lawful order and gross negligence of duty in contravention of the Innscor Code of conduct. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment. This court entered a default judgment on 22 January 2014 following the applicant’s failure to attend court. The application is opposed. The applicant alleges that he was not in wilful default. Though he received the notice of set down and duly diarised the matter it is claimed that on the eve of the hearing the applicant’s lawyer one PepukaiMabundu was travelling from Bulawayo where he had attended court on 20 and 21 January 2014. On the drive back, it is alleged that Mr Mabundu hit a pothole and had a double tyre... More

DUBE-BANDA J: This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicants appeared before this court without legal representation. They are charged with the crime of murder as defined in section 47(1) (a) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that they struck Ernest Dube (deceased) with axes and machetes all over the body resulting in his death. They stole a service rifle, Nokia cell phone and house keys. More