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Court Judgements

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This is an application for the review of the second respondent’s decision to award custody of a minor child to the first respondent. The basic facts were to the effect that the applicant and the first respondent were married in terms of customary law. Their union was blessed with a minor child born on the 18 April 2007. The marriage was dissolved on 24 August 2009 in terms of customary law More

Appellants were employed by Respondent in April 2011 as guards. Their contracts of employment were termination with effect from 30th June 2012. On 30th July 2012 Appellants approached the NEC appealing against unlawful dismissal/termination of contracts. The Grievance and Disciplinary Committee held that Respondent did not follow proper termination procedures and ordered their reinstatement without loss of salary and benefits with effect from date of unlawful termination. More

The plaintiff herein claims damages in the sum of US$50,000 representing the market value of a house that the defendant had sold to the plaintiff as well as a third party. The defendant pleads that the agreement relied upon by the plaintiff is not legally enforceable. More

The applicant is a 26 year old who is unemployed and hails from Chitungwiza where 3 cases of robbery occurred on 30 September 2013 and 1 October 2013. The last 2 were committed using a motor vehicle which had been stolen in the first count. More

On 27 May 2020 plaintiff issued summons against defendants seeking relief, which appears ex facie the summons as follows: a) A compelling order for the transfer of rights for the transfer of rights, interest and title of a certain piece of land called stand number 410, Lot 2A,Bluffhill Township, Harare measuring about 1000m2 held under Deed of Transfer number 0003088/98 from the 1st and 2nd Defendant into Plaintiff’s name with the 3rd Defendant being authorized to sign all necessary documents on behalf of the 1st and 2nd Defendant in the event of failure or default to sign, thereafter the 4th... More

Applicant seeks a declaratur and an order of specific performance as against 1st and 2nd respondents in respect of certain shares held by the two in a family company called Wintersgrace (Private) Limited. The relief sought is amply set out in the draft order as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The application is hereby granted with costs on the scale of legal practitioner and client. 2. It is declared that applicant duly and lawfully exercised his right of first refusal in respect of the shares held by respondents in Wintersgrace (Private) Limited on the terms of the agreement signed... More

The parties in this matter had been married for a considerable period of time until they started living apart in 2001. At the pre-trial conference stage they agreed that the marriage relationship had irretrievably broken down. More

On 2 September 2014 and 18 December, 2014, the appellant approached the third respondent and expressed an interest to buy an infill piece of land near Cecil Kopje in order to build a house for his son. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant for the following relief: (a) an order directing that the defendant pay to the plaintiff a pension in terms of the pensions contract signed between the plaintiff and the defendant alternatively in terms of the group pension agreement entered into between the defendant and the plaintiff’s former employer More

The applicant is the son of the late Joseph Patrick Taremba who died on 24 December, 2004 at Mutare. Applicant was duly appointed Executor Dative in the estate late Joseph Patrick Taremba on 15 October 2009. The respondent is a male adult residing at Number W629 Amaveni, Kwekwe. This property is registered in the name of the late Joseph Patrick Taremba under Deed of Transfer No. 1182/05. After the death of his late father applicant attempted to evict respondent from the said property to no avail. More

1. On the 21st February 2017, plaintiff sued out a summons against 1stdefendant which was later amended by consent to join 2nd defendant. Plaintiff claims transfer of stand number 9795 Glen View held under Deed of Transfer 3386/2015 (stand) from the names of the 1st and 2nd defendants into his name; eviction of 1st defendant and all those claiming occupation through her; rentals in the sum of USD$500.00 per month from the date of summons to the date of eviction and costs of suit. More

On November 2021 Wisdom Chinongwa, applicant’s driver was arrested near Mary Mount Teachers College conveying smuggled goods. He and the owner of the goods were prosecuted, convicted and sentenced. The goods and the motor vehicle were seized. Wisdom Chinongwa and applicant made representations to Zimra officials for the release of the motor vehicle but did not succeed. On 23 February 2022 the Commissioner General advised applicant of the forfeiture of the Toyota Granvia to the State. Aggrieved by that letter of forfeiture, applicant decided to lodge the application to this court. More

This is an application for the upliftment of a bar which the respondent imposed against the applicant. More

Michelle Osvaldo Filannino (“Michelle”) who holds 70% share in Harare Produce Sales (Pvt) Ltd (“HPS or “the Company”) and Theresa Grimmel (“Theresa”), the judicial manager of the company, have been at each other’s throats for over three consecutive years. The dispute which exists between them started in 2018 to date. He applies for removal of Theresa from the position of judicial manager of the company. She opposes his application and she applies for liquidation of the company. He opposes her application and he applies for placement of a caveat on the tittle deed of the property which must be transferred... More

: On 24 October 2003 the then Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Honourable Dr J. M. Made (MP) issued an offer letter to the appellant for Subdivision 11 of Coldstream Farm, in Makoni District of Manicaland Province measuring 53 hectares in extent. Attached to the offer letter were conditions generally applying to the offer of land under the Zimbabwe Land Reform and Resettlement programme (Phase 11, Model A2 Scheme). On 25 September 2008 appellant and respondent entered into a swap agreement where the appellant swapped Subdivision 11 of Cold Stream Headlands. It is not clear as to the... More