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This is an urgent chamber application for an interim order that pending determination of the present matter on the return date the first respondent forthwith delivers to the Sheriff all the machinery and equipment listed in the applicant’s papers and for such machinery and equipment to be kept under the custody of the second respondent with the third respondent exercising supervision over such custody. The final order sought is that pending determination of the application for rescission of judgment instituted by the applicant under Case No. HC 8599/18 the machinery and equipment referred to in the interim relief be “parked... More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the judgment of the High Court (the court a quo). The applicant was convicted of murder with constructive intent and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. He applied for leave to appeal before the court a quo without success. He now brings the application in terms of s 44 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] as read with r 20 (1) of the Supreme Court Rules 2018. More

The four applicants are the fathers and guardians of their respective minor daughters, all four of whom are pupils at Arundel School, a private girls’ school situated in Harare. The first and second respondents are the Trustees and Headmistress of the School. The third respondent is the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, cited in his official capacity, and the fourth respondent is the Attorney-General, also cited in his official capacity. More

This is an appeal against the decision of a senior designated agent of the National Employment Council for the commercial sectors (NECCS). More

On 19 May 2021 after considering papers filed of record and hearing counsel we gave an extempore judgment wherein we dismissed the appeal in its entirety. We undertook to avail written reasons in due course. These are they: The appellant was arraigned before the Magistrates Court facing a charge of attempted rape as defined in s 189(1)(a) or (b) as read with s 65(1)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. After a protracted trial the accused who had pleaded not guilty was convicted and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended... More

It is this order that I seek to set aside mero motu having since realised that I made the order in error, as the order is null and void as I will explain. This matter came before me as an application for bail pending appeal. The applicant had been convicted of contravening Section 60A of the Electricity Act [Chapter 13:19] and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. The State had filed a response on 15 September 2021 in which it commented that the applicant had been properly convicted and sentenced, and that there were no prospects of success on appeal. When... More

This is an application for review of the Respondent’s Appeals Committee’s decision to confirm applicant’s dismissal. More

This is a court application for a Decree of Perpetual Silence against the respondent who is a very litigious individual and has instituted several court processes whose result has been to frustrate the applicant. More

On the 10th December, 2012 Respondent filed a notice of appeal in this court against an arbitral award which was issued on the 18th November, 2012. The notice of appeal (LC3) and notice by Registrar (LC2) were served on and received by the Appellant’s legal practitioners on the same date at 15.45 hours. More

Appellant appealed against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. His papers complained about both procedure and the merits. Respondent opposed the appeal. However in the course of oral argument, Respondent made two concessions. Firstly it abandoned its argument based on the distinction between an appeal and a review. It was obvious that Appellant intended to file an appeal-cum-review. As a lay person, he could not be expected to draft his papers with the precision of an attorney. On that basis, I consider Respondent’s concession as well-made. Respondent also conceded that the charge of assault had not been sustained. This was... More

This is an urgent application. This application was lodged in this court on 15 January 2021. The application is opposed by both 1st and 2nd respondents, although 2nd respondent did not contribute much to the debate. Applicant seeks a provisional order formulated in the following terms: Terms of final order sought That you show cause to this Honourable Court on the return date why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to vacate Imbesu Kraal and carry out its mining activities as directed by the certificate of... More

Plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming $13 700 “arising from a deposit of sum made to plaintiff’s account, which was unlawfully taken by defendant without a proper court order or notice. The amount having been earned by plaintiff through a lawful transaction for the sale of a motor vehicle.” More

It is a well-established principle of our jurisprudential undertone that this court is loath to interfere with unterminated proceedings at the lower courts. The applicant wishing to convince this court to interfere with such uncompleted proceedings must demonstrate existence of exceptional circumstances. The applicants made tireless and spirited efforts to display exceptional state of affairs but this court is of the opinion that the applicants’ case is not a discernable paragon meeting the requisite threshold. More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court Respondent raised 3 (three) points in limine which the Applicant opposed. The Court shall deal with the points ad seriatim. More

At the onset of the hearing by this Court the parties’ attorneys waived oral argument. It was agreed that the Court proceeds to determine the matter on basis of the documents filed of record. Applicant applied for the reinstatement of his appeal in terms of Rule 36 of the Labour Court Rules, 2017 More