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The first applicant the Movement for Democratic Change is a political party, commonly known as the (“MDC”). It will be referred to as the first applicant. The second applicant Mr Morgan Tsvangirai is its president. He was the first applicant’s presidential candidate in the just ended harmonized elections held on 29 March 2008. He will be referred to as the second applicant. More

In August 2004, at the summit of the Southern Africa Development Community held in Mauritius, certain principles and guidelines governing democratic elections for the member countries were adopted. These shall be referred to in this judgment as “the SADC Principles and Guidelines”. The first respondent, acting on behalf of the Republic of Zimbabwe approved of the guidelines and gave Zimbabwe’s assent thereto. More

This matter was placed before me through the chamber book as an urgent application on March 10, 2008. Applicant seeks the following provisional order against the respondent: “Pending confirmation or discharge of this provisional Order; 1.The respondent be and is forthwith hereby interdicted and restrained from using the applicant’s name and materials and posters resembling the applicant’s materials and posters in his campaign for the House of Assembly seat of Mabvuku-Tafara. 2. The respondent be and is hereby ordered to forthwith remove the posters he plastered in and around the Constituency, failing which the applicant’s structures in Mabvuku-Tafara Constituency be... More

In this urgent chamber application the applicant seeks a provisional order in the following terms: ‘TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. It be and is hereby declared that the monies due under the Political Parties Finance Act belong to the applicant, MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa. 2. 1st and 2nd respondents be and are hereby ordered to pay all moneys due to the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa in terms of the Political Parties Finance Act through its... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court dismissing with costs an application made by the appellants seeking an order declaring the appointment of certain ministers of government to be unconstitutional and, in the alternative, an order directing the first and second respondents to act in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. More

In this opposed application the applicants seek an order in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The purported appointments and entry into office as Ministers of: SAVIOUR KASUKUWERE JOSEPH MADE WALTER MUZEMBI FLORA BHUKA SYLVESTER NGUNI HENRY MADZORERA GILES MUTSEKWA and SEKAI HOLLAND are hereby declared to be null and void. ALTERNATIVELY 1. 1st respondent and 2nd respondent be and are hereby directed, within seven days of the date of service of this order upon them, to prevent more than 15 ZANU PF nominees, 13 MDC-T nominees and 3 MDC M nominees from purporting to act and carry... More

The applicant is facing a charge of murder in contravention of section 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). Applicant denies the charge of murder but admits that he stabbed the complainant leading to his demise. Applicant avers that he shall tender a plea of not guilty to the charge of murder, but will plead guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. Applicant has filed an application for bail pending his trial. He indicates that he is a suitable candidate for bail. The state is opposed to the application and avers that if granted bail... More

: On 22 March 2016, and after reading the documents filed of record and hearing arguments from Mr Z C Ncube (for the applicant) and Mr K Sibanda (for the first respondent), I made the following determination: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The validity of the agreement of sale entered into between the Applicant and the 1st respondent on 18 December 2014 be and is hereby confirmed. 2. The 1st Respondent and all those claiming occupation through her, be and are ordered to vacate the premises known as Stand Number 4051 Nketa 7, Bulawayo within five (5) days of granting... More

This is an application for bail pending trial. After hearing the application I dismissed it on 2 August 2019. On 27 August 2019 applicant’s legal practitioners addressed a letter to the Registrar of this court requesting that they be furnished with written reasons for the refusal of bail. These are they. The applicant faces a murder charge as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). The allegations are that the applicant murdered Soneni Mpofu by strangling her and stabbing her once on the left eye and once on the vagina. More

This is an appeal from a determination of the Designated Agent G. Mutsvairo(National Employment Council for the Tobacco Industry) which determination was handed down on 19 August, 2021. More

On 8 September 2017 I granted interim relief in favour of the present applicants interdicting the respondents from acting on the purported termination of applicant’s license through a letter signed by second respondent on first respondent’s letterhead. More

The dispute between the parties centred on a property described as Stand 238 Phase 1 Checheche (“the property”). It is one of those council-owned township properties that local authorities sell on a rent-to-buy basis. It is under the Chipinge Rural District Council. In the court a quo the respondent (“Chengetai”) sued the appellant (“Mbozvi”) for eviction and holding over damages. The court granted the orders. Mbozvi appealed. We heard argument on 27 March 2019 and reserved judgment. This now is the appeal judgment. More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of an appeal. The brief facts are that judgment against the applicant was granted by the Harare Magistrate’s Court on 13 March 2012. Applicant filed this application on 20 June 2012 after realizing that she needed to be condoned before lodging the appeal. More

This matter came up as an appeal from a judgment of the Magistrates Court sitting at Masvingo on 2 March, 2018. In the court a quo the now respondent applied for and obtained an order of eviction against the now appellant. The background of the matter is as follows:- The respondent is the owner of 18 Msasa Road, Westonlee, Mashava which was built to house its employees. The said house was allocated to Juma Phiri then an employee of respondent. It was tied to his employment it being understood that the said house remained the property of respondent and applicant... More

The appellant was dismissed from the respondent’s employ following disciplinary proceedings. The initial hearing acquitted her of wrong doing. The employer was aggrieved by the outcome. It appeared internally and the appeal was successful. This led to her being convicted. She was penalized with dismissal. She was aggrieved by that outcome and appeals to this court on the following grounds. “1. The finding that appellant used a voucher which did not indicate how payment was done, arrival and departure times, what room was booked into was wrong. … 2. The finding by the appeals committee was wrong in that it... More