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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The facts which are largely common cause are as follows. The respondent was employed by the appellant on fixed term contracts which were renewed periodically. Respondent’s last contract was to expire on 28 February 2014. Prior to the termination of the contract, appellant wrote to respondent on 30 October 2013 advising her that her contract would not be renewed. Another letter was written to respondent when she is supposed to have divulged internal information to outsiders. Respondent later took her matter to the Labour Officer and subsequently to arbitration. The... More

This is an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award, in terms of which the termination of the respondent’s employment was ruled unlawful. The brief facts of this matter are common cause. The respondent was employed by the appellant as its Human Capital and Administration Manager. She was so employed in a fixed term contract, which was renewed every two years for a period of eight years. At the end of October, 2013, the appellant notified the respondent that it was not going to renew the fixed term contract at its next expiry date, which was 28 February... More

This is an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award, in terms of which the termination of the respondent’s employment was ruled unlawful. The brief facts of this matter are common cause. The respondent was employed by the appellant as its Human Capital and Administration Manager. She was so employed in a fixed term contract, which was renewed every two years for a period of eight years. At the end of October, 2013, the appellant notified the respondent that it was not going to renew the fixed term contract at its next expiry date, which was 28 February... More

This is a claim for breach of contract. More

This is an application for direct access to the Constitutional Court made in terms of s 167(5)(a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The allegation is that the conduct of the respondents violated the applicant`s fundamental rights as enshrined in ss 69(1) and 70(1)(d),(e) and (f) of the Constitution. More

The appellant appeals against an order granting him damages made in the following terms 1. Back pay $508.50 2. Vacation leave $254.25 3. Damages in lieu of reinstatement $3 051.00 In his grounds of appeal the appellant impugns the arbitral award in his determinationof back pay, failure to award transport allowance, cash in lieu of leave and that since the respondent was not in attendance at the hearing his claim should have been granted in toto. Technically it was unopposed. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court granting an order evicting the appellant and requiring him to pay holding over damages and costs of suit. The respondent alleged that he was the registered owner of the property in question, situated in Meyrick Park, Harare, and that the appellant was occupying the property without his consent, entitling him to claim holding over damages in the sum of $500 per month from 1 November 2011. More

This chamber application is made pursuant to s 34A of the Revenue Authority Act, [Chapter 23:11] as read with s 62 of the Constitution, 2013. More

1. This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is being charged with the crime of attempted robbery as defined in section 189 as read with section 189 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that applicant in the company of accomplices who are not part of this application were laid and ambushed by the police while on their way to commit an armed robbery at number 20 Gelcon Avenue, Greendale, Harare. The police gave chase and there was an exchange of fire between the applicant’s group and the police, resulting in the... More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution of the judgment in HC 2315/23. The judgement was granted in default of the applicants on 20 July 2023.The judgment is for the ejectment of the applicants and all persons claiming occupation through them from the immovable property described in the order as Stand 12020 Glen View 17 Extension Harare. More

On 28 January 2014, Rusape Remand Prison woke up to a sombre atmosphere after the death whilst in custody of one Andrew Kamba a fairly young man 23 years of age. More

This was one such case with a similar fact situation where having heard the parties on the contested concerns as to what is in the best interest of their child,and,having analysed the legal position in addition to giving voice to the child,this court ultimately found that the child’s best interests will be served by the child remaining in Zimbabwe at this point with the father exercising both custody and guardianship rights as opposed to relocating the child to the United Kingdom where the mother is and granting her sole guardianship. More

The applicant was employed as a seasonal worker by the respondent. She was engaged on that basis as a creditors clerk from November 2005 to July 2006. The contract was then terminated. She was given her benefits. She states that she was similarly re-engaged in the same capacity fromApril 2007 to March 2009. She was then told that her contract had been terminated. During this period she had not been made to sign any contract forms as had always been the case. Aggrieved by this termination of her services she referred the matter to arbitration More

This is an application for absolution from the instance at the closure of Plaintiff’s case. The Plaintiff is the daughter of the late Marthar Taruvinga, Marthar Taruvinga is Plaintiff’s late father. His first name may however erronically suggest a female. For expediency I will refer to Marthar Taruvinga as the deceased hereafter. The first defendant is the deceased’s surviving spouse. She however is not the Plaintiff’s biological mother but a stepmother. Plaintiff issued summons seeking an order declaring the distribution and registration of the deceased’s estate null and void and also an order for the remittal of the matter back... More

The late George William Noble (“the deceased”) died on 12 March 2019. He left behind a will apparently bequeathing, a piece of land to his children, among them Ernest Albert Noble. I use the word “apparently” because that particular bequest is disputed and forms the subject matter of the present matter. That piece of land is situated in the district of Kwekwe and was identified by the parties as Lot 1 Rolling River Ranch, Kwekwe (“the property”). In the wake of the demise of the deceased, the said Ernest Albert Noble was appointed executor testamentary of his estate and it... More