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Court Judgements

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Appellant was employed by Respondent as a Shift Supervisor. Appellant’s duties included issuing invoices to customers and in the absence of the cashier, also handle cash. More

This is an application for quantification of damages following disagreement on the quantum of damages between the parties. The respondent was ordered by this Court to reinstate the applicant into her position as a shift supervisor, without loss of salary and benefits. In the event that reinstatement was no longer tenable, applicant was to be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement and for the premature loss of employment. More

This is an application for a Draft Ruling of 27th January by Labour Officer P Mgazi. The draft ruling is couched as follows: “In light of the above I make the following ruling. The respondent is be and hereby ordered to reinstate the claimant without loss of salary and benefits. The reinstatement is with effect from date of unlawful termination of contract. I so determine.” More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling made by the Applicant. The application is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 93(5a) and (5b) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] as amended. More

Applicant was arrested on allegations of murder. Since this is a scheduled offence for which the Magistrates Court lacks jurisdiction, he applied for bail before this court. More

In downtown Harare is located 4 adjoining pieces of land known as subdivision A of stand 1499 Salisbury Township measuring 299 square metres, the remainder of stand 1499 Salisbury Township measuring 297 square metres, stand 1500 Salisbury Township measuring 595 square metres and stand 1498 Salisbury Township measuring 595 square metres. Those properties are currently held by M. Peters Agencies (Private) Limited, the forth defendant in this matter, by Deed of Transfer No. 239/11 Physically they are stands 129 to 135 Mbuya Nehanda Street Harare. More

The parties in this application as cited above are all duly incorporated and registered companies in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. They carry out their business in Zimbabwe. From the nature of the dispute as revealed on the papers, the parties are running entities or have an interest in mining. The first respondent is however under a legal handicap in that it was placed under corporate rescue in terms of s 121 as read with ss 124 and 131 of the Insolvency Act, [Chapter 6:07] by the High Court at Mutare on 13 July, 2020. In consequence of the... More

Plaintiff issued out summons against the defendant claiming $15 761.91 being the balance due to the plaintiff for medical goods supplied. The claim was predicated on an acknowledgment of debt which plaintiff alleged defendant had signed. The defendant disputes the claim, alleging that he does not owe plaintiff anything and that he was coerced into signing the acknowledgement of debt. More

In this application, the respondent was until 23 October 2020 employed by the applicant in the position of Chief Executive Officer on a written contract of fixed duration of 6 years renewable which commenced on 1 March 2018. The 23rd October 2020 was a dark day for the respondent. The applicant terminated the employment contract aforesaid on 3 months’ notice as provided for in clause 9 of the employment contract. The notice period was determined to commence on 1 November 2020. More

The applicant is Prodigy Chinanga a male adult of Harare. The respondent is Stanbic Bank Ltd a registered commercial bank operating in Zimbabwe. The brief background to the application is that the applicant and the respondent were employee and employer. The applicant was employed as a reconciliation officer for nine (9) years from 2023 to 1 November, 2022. In the course of the employment relationship, the applicant was charged with an act of misconduct, the gravamen of which the applicant was accused of downloading and installing an unauthorized software on his laptop. The applicant was found guilty and dismissed from... More

On 19 July 2006, the applicant obtained judgment in this Court in case No. HC 2433/2005 in the sum of $485 316 000. The order provided for interest in the following terms: “Interest is due on the above amount at the prevailing overdraft interest rate as quoted by Stanbic Bank Limited.” More

This matter was filed in this court by way of urgent chamber application on 4 February 2008. After hearing the matter I dismissed the application without giving reasons. These are the reasons for my decision. The applicants were seeking the following interim relief: More

Plaintiff sued first, second and third defendants for payment of the sum of $251 694 plus interest and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. The claim against first defendant arises from a credit sale agreement which plaintiff’s avers was entered into by and between plaintiff and first defendant on or about 28 September 2012. More

At the close of the plaintiff’s case the second and third defendants made an application for an absolution from the instance on the basis that the evidence adduced is not such that the court might make a reasonable mistake and grant judgment in favour of the plaintiff against them. The plaintiff’s case against the second and third defendants consistsinter alia of an application for rectification of a Suretyship agreement signed on 28 September 2012 in order to record a common intention of the parties that both the second and third defendants stood surety as co-principal debtors in favour of the... More

On 13 March 2012 the applicant filed an application in this court seeking the following relief:- “It is ordered that;- 1. The security bond held in favour of the first respondent by the second respondent in the name of the applicant dated 1 October 2010 is hereby declared to be of no force or effect. 2. The second respondent shall upon being served with a copy of this order, immediately pay to the applicant $220 000 (two hundred and twenty united states dollars) being the amount the second respondent held back in lieu of cashing the performance bond. 3. The... More